Who did Abram travel with?
His wife Sarai, his nephew Lot, and their servants
How many kings went to war?
How many guests came to visit Abraham?
How many angels went to Sodom?
What was Abraham's son's name?
What happened between Abram's and Lot's servants?
They had a fight
Who was captured because of the war?
Lot, his family, and everything that was his
Where was Sarah when the visitors came?
In the tent
Who fled the city?
Lot, his wife, and his 2 daughters
Was Abraham willing to sacrifice his son?
How did Abram and his family travel?
Walk, ride camels or donkeys
What did Abram do when he heard about the war?
He went to go rescue Lot
Did Sarah admit she laughed?
No because she was afraid
Why did Lot's wife turn into a pillar of salt?
She looked back at Sodom and Gomorrah
What did God provide as a sacrifice instead of Isaac?
A ram
What side of the land did Lot pick?
The beautiful, green, grassy land around the Jordan River closer to Sodom
What did God compare Abram's descendants to?
The stars in the sky
What news did the visitors tell Abraham?
That Sarah would have a son a year later
How was Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed?
The Lord sent down brimstone and ashes of fire from heaven
Who/what did Abraham travel with?
Isaac, 2 servants, a donkey, and wood for the altar fire
Was Abram happy with the end results?
Yes, because he was living God's way
What did God tell Abram about his descendants?
He will have so many that they can't be counted
Why did Sarah laugh?
She thought she was too old to have a child
Why were the evil men shouting around Lot's house?
They wanted Lot to bring out the angels and do sinful things with them
Why was Abraham willing to sacrifice Isaac?
He wanted to obey God