Who was the host for bfdi
Announcer speaker
Who was the host for I.I
Me phone 4
Blueberry silver spoon life ring clover teapot cabby
Name 1 speaker box from bfdi
Any speaker box that’s bfdi
How many contestants was in bfb
Who was mephone 2 assistance in I.I 2
Toliet and me pad
Name 1 host in bfdia
Any host from bfdia
Who won I.I 3
Who won bfdi 1
Who won I.I 2
Who was the winner of bfb
Who was the winner of I.I 1
Orange juice
What was the team name of coiny pin and dounut
Woah bunch
Team no name
What was the team that baseball named for his team in I.I 2
The grand slams
What did lightbulb say to paintbrush when lightbulb was about to die
It’s time for you to be the leader
Who was 2nd place in I.I 3
Who was 14th place in I.I 2
What episode did announcer came back in bfb
Episode 28
How did box get eliminated in I.I 3
He got hit with a hammer
Who was the first 1 eliminated from bfb
Who was 5th place in I.I 2
Test Tube