Inventor of assembly line
Henry Ford
Effects of the telephone
Long distance communication
The public thought Orville and Wilbur were crazy
Radio immediately had voices and other unique sounds
False, at the start, just dots and dashes (morse code)
Patent creator of electric car
Effects of the assembly line.
Allowed faster and more efficient production of goods.
Invention of telephone
Aluminum was considered a luxury metal
True, as aluminum was only able to be efficiently produced in the early 1900's, as it requires a lot of electricity to turn bauxite (aluminum oxide) into aluminum metal.
Name of the first washing machine that resembled ours today.
Effects of radio
Music to listen to during leisure time for most
Avaliblity of Model T ford
Electricity was always available to rural area's
Effects of wireless telephone
Most people could communicate quicker, and moving ships could communicate with other ships and docks.
Silent film era
1890 - 1927
People always used metal washboards for clothing cleaning
False, they first used wood
The organization the Wright brothers made the predecessor to.
Late 1920's and Early 1950's
Marconi is the true inventor of the radio
False, it was Nicola tesla who came up with the patent, but the patent was changed to Marconi, then back to tesla, but this was done a couple of months after his death, legally, Tesla is the patent owner