Where in ancient Rome would you find an atrium? Answer in Latin
in casa
IV + XI =
Claudia est puella Romana bona.
Claudia is a good Roman girl.
A creature with lupine features would resemble what?
a wolf
To what question would 'Iulia' be the right answer? Answer in Latin
Quid nomen tibi est?
Ceres, mother of Proserpina was the goddess of...
Tres canes et quattuor feels sunt ____ animalia. Answer in Roman numeral
Feminae multos libros legerunt. How many books were read?
Students who attend a naval institute learn about...
If you wanted to encourage someone to live a full life, you would say... (Answer in Latin)
Carpe diem
What animal would typically play a major part in the action of the Circus Maximus? Answer in Latin
Quot horae in die sunt? ANswer in Roman numeral
Ego multas gratias tibi ago. What am I doing?
saying thank you
The French word 'mere', Spanish word 'Madre', and English word 'matron' all derive from the Latin word...
Clamare, dicere, and cantare are all verbs requiring the use of which body part in Latin and English?
os - mouth
Quid est frater Dianae?
Flaccus novem libros habet. Flavia decem libros habet. Quot libros habet? Answer in Roman numeral
Te cras visitabamus.
We will visit you tomorrow.
Innovation, novelty, and renovate all derive from the Latin word...(GIve Latin and English word)
nova - new
Necesse est mihi statum ad thermas pedem ferre. What is the synonym of the italisized text in Latin?
What town, located at the mouth of the Tiber and founded by Ancus Marius, was the port of Rome?
Quot menses in anno sunt? Answer in Roman numerals or the word for extra points
XII or duodecim
Olim habitabat rex superbus, nomine Pachacoutec.
Once there lived a proud king, named Pachacoutec
What profession do the jobs of litterator, grammaticus, and rhetor all relate to?
Because the senator misspoke during their speech, they later had to correct their... (Answer with Latin)
lapsus linguae