Yer yuzida qaysi hayvonning yuragi 1 daqiqada atigi 9 marta uradi?
….. is a financial news and data website that provides a wide range of information related to financial markets, including stock quotes, market news, investment resources, and personal finance tools. It offers features such as:
1. Stock Market data
2. Financial News
3. Portfolio Management
4. Research Tools
5. Market Analysis
Yahoo Finance
Germaniyada “Unsicht” nomli restoran mavjud bo‘lib, uning nomi “ko‘rinmas” deb tarjima qilinadi. Restoran nomining bunday qo‘yilishiga 2 ta sabab mavjud. 1-si barcha xizmatlar qorong‘ulikda amalga oshiriladi. 2-sini siz bizga yozib berasiz.
Javob: U yerda ko‘rlarga xizmat qilinadi.
…. is a global online forex and trading brokerage that offers a range of financial services, including trading in forex, commodities, indices, and cryptocurrencies. Founded in 1998, …. has established itself as one of the prominent brokers in the industry, providing access to various trading platforms, including MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5.
Key features of … include:
1. Trading Accounts
2. Leverage and Spreads
3. Educational Resources
4. Market Analysis
5. Regulation
6. Customer Support
U daryoda, okeanda hatto botqoqda ham bo'ladi, lekin ariqda bo'lmaydi. Gap nima haqida ketayotganligini toping?
O harfi
Petr I ning farmoniga binoan, jahonda birinchi marta Tula zavodida ular faqat metalldan yasala boshlangan. Ular Rossiya iqlimi uchun juda qulay bo‘lgan vositalar hisoblangan. U nima?
…is a web-based platform that provides advanced charting tools, social networking features, and market analysis for traders and investors. It is designed to cater to a wide range of users, from beginners to experienced traders. Key features of ….. include:
1. Interactive Charts
2. Market Data
3. Social Networking
4. Screener Tools
5. Alerts
6. Scripts and Custom Indicators
7. Mobile Access
Dont be sad🥲
…. often referred to in the context of banking or payment systems, typically refers to a type of card that allows users to manage multiple accounts or currencies from a single card. Here are some common features associated with … systems:
Key Features of…
1. Multiple Accounts
2. Multi-Currency Support
3. Seamless Switching
4. Integrated Mobile App
5. Expense Tracking
6. Security Features
7. Customizable Settings
8. Rewards Programs
9. Contactless Payments
10. Global Acceptance
11. Fee Management
Bodrirallar aytgan: «U turmani mahbuslar bilan to‘ldirib turuvchi xizmatkordir». U nima?
Xaritasi xuddi suzib ketayotgan o’rdakka o’xshagan mamlakatni bilasizmi?
Ulug‘ mutafakkir Mir Alisher Navoiy bu so‘zning har bir harfiga bir ma’no berganlar. Bu so‘zda ittifoqlik, saodat, latofat, oqibat va muhabbat mujassamlashgandir. Bu qaysi so‘z?
Structure of the financial market:
Credit market
Money-credit market
Securities market
Precious metals market
Insurance market
Types of financial markets:
…. are illegal and fraudulent investment schemes that promise high returns with little risk to investors.
Financial pyramids
Common stocks
Preferred stocks
Participants in the financial market?
Capital raisers
Qaysi talaffuz to’g’ri: «oq rangdagi tuxum sarig’ini ko’rmayapman» yoki «tuxumning oq rangli sarig’ini ko’rmayapman»?
Tuxumning sarig’i oq rangda bo’lmaydi.
Rimliklar sanchqi (vilka) konstruktsiyasiga revolyutsion yangilik kiritishdi. Sanchqilarning barcha keyingi modellari ularning kashfiyoti varianti qilib yasala boshlandi. Bu kashfiyotdan oldin sanchqi qanaqa edi?
Bir tishli edi.
19 — Rossiyaga bu sabzavot Petr I davrida olib kelingan. U paytlarda uning donalari maydaroq va taxir bo‘lgan. Ular zich ekilgan, shuning uchun yanada maydalashib ketgan. Dexqonlar uzoq vaqt bu sabzavotni ekishdan bosh tortishgan. Uni ekishga majbur qilinganda xatto qo‘zg‘olonlar xam bo‘lib o‘tgan. Bunday isyonlar xarbiy qo‘shinlar bilan bostirilgan. Dexqonlar shunchalik ekishni xoxlamagan sabzavot qaysi?
Ular bamisoli «tirik konservalar». Ularni kemalarga to‘ldirib olib ketilaverganligining boisi ham shundadir. U nima?
Bahaybat toshbaqalar