(Free Share) What does “work hard” mean for you?
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What era is identified as a root cause of productivity shame?
Industrial Revolution.
What is “Immigrant Paradox?”
Where first-generation Americans struggle with developmental and mental health challenges due to racial and ethnic disparities in the U.S., and immigrant guilt, which arises from trying to preserve cultural traditions while adapting to a new culture.
(Free Share) What do you do in order to feel productive?
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What percentage of Americans were part of the immigrant community by 1920?
Over one-third.
What is “cultural seasaw effect“?
A term coined by the author, Shah, which means balancing traditional values from their immigrant families with the demands of a professional environment that often does not understand their backgrounds.
(Free Share) Share a time where within academic or corporate settings, you felt burnt out.
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Name at least 3 cities had immigrant populations making up three-quarters of their workforce in the U.S.
New York, Chicago, Boston, Cleveland, San Francisco, Buffalo, Milwaukee, and Detroit
According to Katja Witte, Birgit Spinath, and Matthias Ziegler, what is motivation composed of?
It’s a mix of who we are (traits) and how we feel in the moment (states), which is influenced by how we see different situations. “Situational perceptions directly affect the motivational state, which in turn influences the individual’s subsequent behavior."