All About the Base(ic)
Basic Training
Basically a Big Deal
The Basic Play

Basic(ly) Organized

This section of the Emergency Operations Plan outlines a comprehensive, all-hazards approach to incident management, integrating efforts and resources from federal, state, tribal, local, private-sector, and non-governmental organizations.

What is the Basic Plan?


The IOEM Director may activate this plan, or portions of this plan, prior to the Governor’s decision to issue a proclamation of a State of Disaster Emergency.

What is the Idaho Emergency Operations Plan (IDEOP)?


This is when Recovery Efforts start.

What is concurrent with the emergency response? 


This Chief is responsible for notifying the appropriate SERT General Staff of the activation. 

Who is the On-duty SERT Plans Section Chief? 


This group contains trained reservists executing duties of the functional elements of the SERT structure.

What is General Staff?


This section of the Base Plan provides an overview of potential risks and vulnerabilities.

What are the Hazards and Vulnerability?


This legal document defines local governments as the principal provider of emergency services in Idaho. 

What is Executive Order 2022-04?


These are the central tools for planning during a response. 

What are Incident Action Plans (IAP)?

IOEM's four Activation Levels. 

What is Monitoring, Level 3 - Enhanced Monitoring, Level 2 - Elevated Activation, and Level 1 - Full Activation. 


This position is typically the IOEM Director.

What is the SERT Leader? 


Identifies roles and responsibilities and provides direction to state government agencies in responding to emergencies or disasters.

What is the Purpose?


They maintain responsibility for tactical and operational control of response assets within their jurisdictional areas.

Who are Tribal and local governments and first responder agencies? 


This state-level alert system notifies SERT members, state agency employees, and elected officials of activations and provides instructions on courses of action.

What is ISAWS (Idaho State Alert and Warning System)?


This government entity can request federal assistance under the Stafford Act either through the Governor of Idaho or directly from the federal government when its capabilities are overwhelmed.

What is the Tribal Government?


These individuals have oversight of the SERT’s structure and organization, providing strategic direction and leadership in a unified approach.

What is the SERT Advisory Committee (SAC)?


Some disaster emergency conditions may result in a state response prior to any involvement of local jurisdictions. This is an example of what? 

What is an Assumption?


Prevention, Mitigation, Preparedness, Response, and Recovery.

What is the Emergency Management Cycle?


IOEM may activate this in the event of a large-scale emergency requiring coordination of information among multiple response organizations.

What is the Joint Information Center (JIC)?


First is the Disaster, and then comes the City, County and/or Tribe, State, and Presidental.

What is the Disaster Declaration Process order?


This branch is typically associated with the Transportation, Communications, and Energy Community Lifelines.

What is the Infrastructure Services Group?


Life Safety, Protection of Property, Protection of Environment. 

What are the Emergency Response Priorities?


A combination of facilities, equipment, personnel, procedures, and communications integrated into a common system with responsibility for coordinating and supporting domestic incident management activities.

What is a Multi-Agency Coordination (MAC) system?


Safety and Security, Food/Hydration/Shelter, Health and Medical, Water Systems, Energy, Communications, Transportation, and Hazardous Materials. 

What are the 8 Lifelines?


Under Idaho Code §46-1006, this person becomes the commanding general of the National Guard and organized militia when the Governor declares an extreme emergency and activates state forces

Who is the Adjutant General? 


These groups continually interact and share vital information and estimates of the current and future situation, set priorities, and develop courses of action for use by state leadership.

Who are the Command and General Staff?
