i am played by 2 teams
you win when you get 14 1/2 points
its played every 2 years
usa have the most wins with 27
my founder was Samuel Ryder
Golf Ryder cup
i was passed from father to son
i was used in the 1st in many films but 1st time was in 2001
i was used to visit places i should not go to
i belong to Harry Potter
i am part of a 3
cloak of invisibility
we have won the world cup most times
i was once good
i wear the colour black
i was burnt by my friend
i have 2 children that i never saw
i went to the dark side to save my wife
darth vader
i show up and sometimes i stay other time is disappear
i can be a selection of colours
people can have fun with me
you see me on top in some place
you make me into balls and throw me
i am played by 2 teams
you win when you get 14 1/2 points
its played every 2 years
usa have the most wins with 27
gold ryder cup
i was passed from father to son
i was used in the 1st in many films but 1st time was in 2001
i was used to visit places i should not go to
i am part of a 3
cloak of invisibility
i amazon ends in my country
i was once good
i wear the colour black
i was burnt by my friend
i have 2 children that i never saw
darth vader
i show up and sometimes i stay other time is disappear
i can be a selection of colours
people can have fun with me
you see me on top in some place
i am played by 2 teams
you win when you get 14 1/2 points
its played every 2 years
golf ryder cup
i was passed from father to son
i was used in the 1st in many films but 1st time was in 2001
i am part of a 3
cloak of invisibility
Portuguese is my main spoken language
i was once good
i wear the colour black
i was burnt by my friend
darth vader
i show up and sometimes i stay other time is disappear
i can be a selection of colours
people can have fun with me
i am played by 2 teams
you win when you get 14 1/2 Points
Golf Ryder Cup
i was passed from father to son
i am part of a 3
cloak of invisibility
i am in south america
i was once good
i wear the colour black
darth vader
i show up and sometimes i stay other time is disappear
i can be a selection of colours
i am played by 2 teams
golf ryder cup
i am part of a 3
cloak of invisibility
i am known to having different soils and climates
i was once good
darth vader
i show up and sometimes i stay other time is disappear