What is my favorite breakfast food?
Sausage gravy biscuts
What do I want my profession to be when I'm older?
idk :3
What do I most frequently have???
A a cold
B insomnia
C an ear infection
A & C
What is my favorite colour??????????????????
I don't have one
List at least one of my hobbies
crocheting sewing games YouTube creating.
Carbon monaxide
What is my favorite dinner food????????????
Chicken wings
Have I ever broken a bone???
No but I got close
What are the name/names of my cats???
Smokee and BlackJack
How many siblings do I have and what are their genders?
2 Sisters
Do I currently have a crush on a person?
what is my favorite YouTuber?
What is my favorite Desert?????????????
What was the ONE thing I bought from Mrs.Monty??
A pineapple mug
Whats my middle name?
Not telling :3
Am I the bestest friend you ever had????????????
Do I like my cousin Toby
I don't like that he ruined my book
Am I a good person???????????
what colour is my hair in summer????
How old is my older sister???
What happens when I get a cold? Do I
A I don't get sick
B My body revolts against me
C I have normal colds
How many friends do I have???????????
What is my favorite sweatshirt???
The weird navy blue one
Are my great Grandparents alive?
What is my favorite lunch food???????????