What is a digraph?
2 letters that make one sound
What is a closed syllable?
a syllable with one vowel that is closed in by a consonant and makes a short sound.
What is a blend?
2 or more consonants in a row that each make their own sounds.
What letter is in every glued or welded word part?
What is a compound word?
a word made up of two smaller words
Name the 5 digraphs.
wh, ch, th, sh, ck
What is the FLOSS rule?
The letter f, l, s and z are doubled when they are at the end of a closed syllable word.
Which example has two blends?
splash, bent, plan, crash, spent
spent: sp and nt are blends
spl, nt, pl, cr are also blends
Which nonsense word does NOT have a glued or welded sound?
jung, fink, tring, sog, vank
Name 3 compound words.
Teacher will judge...
Examples: dishpan, rainbow, lunchbox, catnap
What is a trigraph?
Three letters that make one sound.
tch or ch?
What do you can the letters nch in the word crunch?
a digraph blend
Which glued sound can also be a suffix?
im-ag-in-a-tion (5 syllables)
Name the two trigraphs we have practiced
tch, dge
Which word is a closed syllable exception?
sing, sold, sash, splat
Name 2 words. One with a blend in the beginning and one with a blend at the end.
Example blend has a bl at the beginning
end has an nd at the end
bl and nd are blends
Name 2 words that describe the picture above in the past and present:
Yesterday, the porcupine ________ the song. Today she will ________.
sang, sing
Where would you break the word: fantastic
When do you use the trigraph tch instead of ch?
At the end of a closed syllable word, with one vowel that makes the short sound.
What makes a word a closed syllable exception?
There is one vowel closed in by a consonant but it makes the long vowel sound.
- old, -ost, -olt, -ind, -ild
Name a word with a digraph and a blend that was not used in a previous question.
Teacher will judge...
example: crash, splash, smush
You choose:
- Name two words with a blend and a glued sound
- Name one with a digraph and a glued sound
Teacher will judge...
-fling, strong, stink, blink
-shrink, chunk,
What does every syllable have one of?
Every syllable has one vowel sound.