What was a `mite`?
A Coin (Mark 12:42)
What Babylonian name was given to Daniel?
Belteshazzar (Daniel 1:7)
Name of the angel that appeared to Mary
Gabriel (Luke 1:26)
When the flood ended where did the Ark come to rest?
Upon the mountains of Ararat (Genesis 8:4)
What did King Saul throw at David when the evil spirit came upon him?
A javelin (1 Samuel 18:11)
What is the meaning of `Jehovah-shammah`?
The Lord is there (Ezekiel 48:35)
Who was the governor of Syria at the time of Jesus' birth?
Cherubim and a flaming sword guarded the way to what?
The tree of life (Genesis 3:24)
In what city was Paul born?
Tarsus (Acts 22:3)
What did Elijah use to part the Jordan River so he and Elisha could cross on dry land?
His rolled up cloak (2 Kings 2:8)
What is an `ossifrage`?
Bird (Leviticus 11:13)
Saul's son ruled over Israel for two years while David was king of Judah, what was his name?
Ishboshet (2 Samuel 2:10)
The name of the angel (appearance of the man) who appeared in Daniel's visions?
Gabriel (Daniel 8:15-16)
Where was Solomon buried?
City of David (2 Chronicles 9:31)
Bethlehem or Jerusalem
What hit the statue in King Nebuchadnezzer's dream and smashed it apart?
A stone, cut out without hands (Daniel 2:34)
What does the word `Lucifer` mean?
Day Star (Isaiah 14:12)
Who was the grandson of Samuel?
Heman (1 Chronicles 6:33)
Name of the angel who fought the dragon in the war in heaven.
Michael (Revelation 12:7)
What country supplied most of the lumber for Solomon's temple?
Lebanon (1 Kings 5:9)
What did God use to help the Israelites defeat the armies of the Amorite kings at Gibeon?
Great stones (Joshua 10:11)
Name the tribe of Israel whose name means `forgetting`.
Manasseh (Genesis 41:51)
Who did James and John want to call fire down upon?
The Samaritan Villagers (Luke 9:51-55)
The birth of which judge was announced by the angel of the Lord?
Samson (Judges 13:3)
Where did Solomon import his horses from?
What was the whip, Jesus used to clear out the temple, made from?