date of hannaka
kof hey kislev
what toy did the Jews use to hide Torah from greeks
where should we put the menorah
by the window
why do we eat eat lakas
bc there fried in oil so we remember the oil mirical
what did the Cohen gadol do
work in the mishcan
rosh hashana
1 teshri
what were the Jews who joined Greek culture called
is it better to use extra pure olive oil or candels (wax)
how does the shamash need to be placed
higher then the rest
what did the Cohen gadol announce
who is for hashem come to me
tet vav teshrey
how did the kids have to learn bc of the greeks
hide in tents to learn torah
how do we set up the hannaka candels
right to left
what cant we do with the light of the menorah
use it for pleasure
what city did the Cohen gadol live in
yom cippor
10 teshrey
3 things the Greeks didn't let us do
keep shabbat not allowing bny to keep holidays don't let boys have a brit milah
how do we light the candels
left to right
how many berecot do we say on the first night
what was the name of the cohen gadol
death of rachel
11 cheshvan
what did the Greeks do to the bet hamikdash
make it unholy by putting idols and destroyed the oil
what the difference between the ashkanaze and syrain way to light the menorah
a-each person gets the there own menorah to light
s-dad lights it for everyone
what are the beracot we say on the first night
sheciano, lehadlik ner, al hanism
cohen gadol sons (5)
yonatan, yochanan,shimon, yehoodah,eliazar