A skill where your diaphragm expands when counting
What is the 1st Step
I am powerless over drugs and alcohol and my life is unmanagable
What are needs about maintaining our body's basic functions
Physical Needs
A body adaptation to using a substance or behavior requiring increased amounts to achieve the desired effect
What 3 things should you avoid to help prevent relapse?
People, Places, Things
A skill where you practice staying in the present, noticing small details
Not a _________ but a __________ program
Religious Spiritual
What are needs that are about us feeling safe?
Security Needs
The physical and psychological symptoms that occur when a person stops or reduces their use of a substance or behavior to which they are addicted.
Talking to someone, learning to ask for help, practicing honesty can be examples of?
Relapse prevention skill or coping skill
A DBT skill that you can use when communicating with your family/friends
One of the AA Readings read at the beginning of each meetings that describes what you will receive from working the AA program
The promises
What are needs that are about us feeling loved and that we belong?
Social Needs
A return to addictive behavior after a period of abstinence or successful recovery.
In order to create new ___ ____. You may need to find new ways to celebrate, have fun, new plans for how to spend your evenings, etc.
Healthy Routine
A skill where you notice your physical sensations, feelings, label them, and participate
WHAT Skill
The NA Book is called
The Basic Text
What are needs that are about us feeling good about ourselves?
Self Esteem Needs
Intense and uncontrollable desires or urges to engage in addictive behaviors or consume substances.
You should "H.A.L.T." when you feel triggered, and check for these feelings.
Hungry Angry Lonely Tired
An important skill where you take an unhelpful, negative, distorted thought and change it
Thought flipping- Cognitive Restructuring
The prayer said at the end of AA meetings
The Lords Prayer
What are needs that are about is reaching our full potential?
Self-Fulfillment Needs
Behavior that supports or allows an addicted individual to continue their addictive patterns by minimizing consequences or facilitating access to the substance or behavior
What is the HOW of Recovery
Honesty, Open mindness and Willingness