Where in Brazil is the main Christmas Tree installed?
In the sea
What do they do with dolls made from family clothes for New Year's in Aquadora?
Почему на кубе часы бьют одиннадцать раз а не двенадцать?
Чтобы они отдохнули и встретили новый год
Why do Spaniards eat 12 grapes on New Year's Eve?
For good luck
Where is pudding most often eaten on New Year's Eve?
Great Britain
What is the symbol of large stones in the house and on the threshold in Greece?
How do Italians get rid of old things on New Year's Eve?
Thrown out the window
In Scotland, they are waiting for a guy on January 1 with coal in his hands. What color should his hair be?
Brunette (a symbol of coal that will bring good luck)
What does Santa Claus drive in Vietnam?
On carp (fish)
Where New Year's Eve is celebrated in summer ?