Which icon allows you to search for a Person (globe) or a Patient (chart) and displays demographics and insurance information?
People Lookup Icon
Which icon do you select to schedule an appointment?
Appointment Book Icon
What are the three types of insurance?
Commercial, Federal and State.
Which two forms must be updated within the current year?
Privacy Notice and Consent to Treat.
What is the first step in registering a patient?
Verifying insurance
What is the purpose of searching using only the first 2 letters of the first/nickname and last names when searching for a patient?
To avoid creating duplicate accounts.
What do the vertical lines and horizontal spaces indicate on the schedule?
Site location and type of visit.
What does it mean to have straight Medicaid? And what two Medicaid categories we recognize?
Straight Medicaid (ACCESS) is temporary until patient chooses a Medicaid HMO.
MHX and PSF (Select Plan for Women) are the two categories GPHA accepts with straight Medicaid.
For patients under the age of 18, what is the red required field in the "Create Encounter" window?
What step does a CSR need to take when verifying a Non-Listed insurance in Nextgen, that they don't have to take for a Non-Contracted Insurance in Nextgen?
In the Detail tab, of the Insurance Maintenance window, CSR's have to enter the contact information (address, phone number, etc.) for the Non-Listed Insurance.
How would you search for an expired patient and what are the two ways to identify them?
Uncheck "Exclude Expired Patients" box and they are identified by an alert and/or the "Patient Expired" text under their picture in their chart.
What are the five appointment statuses, and which is not?
Expected, Kept, Cancelled, No Show and Pending.
Rescheduled is not a status.
What are the four parts of Medicare?
Part A: Hospital Insurance, Part B: Outpatient Services, Part C: Medicare Advantage and Part D: Prescription Drug Coverage.
What is the default income information for: an uninsured patient, a Medicaid patient and a Commerical patient and when does it expire?
Uninsured: 1, $31K and expires the following day.
Medicaid: 1, $16K and expires 12/31.
Commercial: 1, $31k and expires 12/31.
What should be documented in the "Description" field of the Add/Edit book?
Leave blank. Patient's name will automatically populate once appointment is finalized.
How do you add an alert?
Go into patient's chart, select "Clinical/History Notes," select "Alerts' from the left-hand menu and add.
How should an On-Site interpreter be added?
An on-site interpreter should be added as a resource along with the provider's appointment.
What is the difference between PPO, POS and HMO?
PPO doesn't require PCP or referrals; POS does not require PCP but may require a referral for specialists and HMO requires PCP and referrals.
Explain the Auto Flow Process and which tab is not included in the process?
The Auto Flow Process is to make sure that no information was missed and accurate. The pharmacy tab is not included in the process.
What are the steps when scheduling an offsite interpreter?
Make appointment, add a Quick Note regarding requested interpreting services and document who the message was passed to schedule.
What is the purpose of the "Potential Duplicate Window?" What is the CSR required to do before moving forward with creating an account?
To warn users that they may be creating a potential duplicate account for the patient. CSR's are required to confirm the account is not a duplicate and have a "Superuser" enter their credentials.
Describe how to double-book, reschedule and cancel an appointment.
Double-Book by right clicking on an existing appointment and selecting "New" from shortcut menu. Reschedule by selecting appointment, selecting "Cut" from shortcut menu and "Paste" on new appointment slot. Cancel from right clicking on appointment and selecting "Cancel" from shortcut menu or by opening appointment and selecting "Cancel" in Add/Edit book.
What is the difference between a Medicare Advantage Plan (Medicare Part C) and a Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap)?
Medicare Advantage Plan alternative to Medicare Part B, replacing it and Medicare Supplement Insurance works with Medicare Part B to cover the remaining 20%.
What are the two ways to update workflow status and their steps?
1. Right click on appointment, select "Workflow Status" from the Shortcut menu.
2. In EHR, click on tracking compass, patient tracking window, select status, select workflow status and click "Ok"
Who are the "Superusers" that Nextgen requires to enter their credentials for the Potential Duplicate?
Business Office Coordinator (BOC) and Health Center Administrator (HCA)