Why do we light the Menorah at our window?
To publicize the miracle
Who did the Jewish people fight against during the time of the Chanukah story?
Syrian Greeks
Why do we eat donuts and latkes on Chanukah?
To remind us of the miracle of the oil
What is the name of the money or chocolate candy given to children during Chanukah?
On the first night of Chanukah how many blessings are said before the lights are kindled?
Which oil is best to light the Chanukah Menorah?
A. Canola Oil
B. Olive Oil
C. Sunflower Oil
D. None, better use candles
B. Olive Oil
What Hebrew letters does the dreidel in Israel have?
Nun Gimmel Hay Peh
What is the name of the candle that is used to light the others?
What was the name of a heroine in the Chanukah story?
A. Devorah
B. Chaya
C. Sarah
D. Yehudit
D. Yehudit
True or False: One fulfills the Mitzvah of Chanukah by lighting just one candle each night.
What do the letters on the dreidel mean?
A Great Miracle Happened There
What was the name of the king of the Greeks?
What does the word "Chanukah" literally mean?
A. Dedication
B. Jelly Donuts
C. Victory
D. Candles
A. Dedication
(Also Chanu means rest and kaf hei is 25)
What special prayer do we add into the Amidah on Chanukah?
A. Yaaleh V'yavo
B. Maoz Tzur
C. Al Hanissim
D. Prayer for Rain
C. Al Hanissim
Which of these was not one of the Mattityahu's sons?
A. Yehuda
B. Yaakov
C. Shimon
D. Elazar
B. Yaakov
On which Hebrew date does Chanukah begin?
25th of Kislev
What is the maximum height a Menorah can be?
A. 32 Feet
B. As tall as you
C. 10 feet
D. As tall as you want
A. 32 feet
What is the word Maccabee an acronym for? (In Hebrew or English)
Mi Kamocha Beilim Hashem
Who is like you amongst the mighty, G-d?
What city in Israel were the Hashmonaim from?
A. Jerusalem
B. Tel Aviv
C. Modi'in
D. None of the above
C. Modi'in