Toilet with a head.
what is skibbidi?
a bird that has a horn on its beak
what is a hornbill?
this means hello in English
what is hola?
a game where you are a goat and you run amuck
what is goat simulator?
How many months have 28 days?
All of them
term to describe the cult, buttocks, or derriere.
What is gyat?
a mythical bird creature
what is a trice?
this means apple in English
what is manzana
a game that Jeff plays
what is street fighter?
What is full of holes but still holds water?
what is a sponge?
what is beta?
an arctic bird that cannot fly
what is a penguin?
this means water in English
what is agua?
a game where you farm slimes
what is slime rancher?
What can you catch but not throw?
what is a cold?
a term that means someone awesome
what is alpha?
a bird that catches fish with a bag on its beak
what is a stork?
this means tree in English
what is arbol?
a game where you're a plumber in a red suit
what is super Mario brothers?
What word begins with E and ends with E, but only has one letter?
what is an envelope?
something you have while mewing
what is rizz?
a bird that migrates in the winter
what is a duck?
this means school in English
what is escuela?
a game where you hijack cars
what is GTA?
I go all around the world, but never leave the corner. What am I?
what is a stamp?