How does the Angel of God refer to Mary?
What is....?
1. Full of Grace
2. Favored by God
What was revealed to Simeon by the Holy Spirit?
What is Simeon won't die before he has seen the living Savior?
Who went into the country around Jordan preaching a baptism of repentance, repentance, for forgiveness of sins?
Who is John the Baptist?
What were the two phases of Jewish marriages and which phase was Mary in when she got pregnant?
What are..
1. Public Announcement (engagement)
2. Marriage (husband takes her to his house)
Mary was in the engagement stage
Which couple's husband died on their wedding night?
Who is Boaz and Ruth?
Which two Gospels contain the birth of Jesus?
What is Luke and Matthew?
Where did Mary and Joseph take Baby Jesus to be purified?
What is temple in Jeruselum?
Who climbed the tree to see Jesus?
Who is Zaccheus?
How did God stop Joseph from divorcing Mary quietly?
What was He sent the Angel Gabriel to explain.
Why was Daniel thrown in the lions den?
He refused to worship false Gods and stop praying to his God.
Why did Mary and Joseph stay in the stable?
Why was there was no room in the end?
What three things did Simeon do when he saw Baby Jesus?
What is ...?
1. Took him in his arms.
2. Praised God, saying now he could go in peace.
3. Blessed Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus
What does Luke 11:9 say?
What is... "So I say to you ask and it will be given, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened?
What does Jesus name mean?
What is Immanuel or God with us?
Which women was bribed by the Phillistines and betrayed her husband?
Who is Delilah?
What three gifts did the wisemen bring to Baby Jesus?
What is gold, frankincense, and myrrh?
What things did Anna do in the temple all day?
What is
1. Worshipped night and day
2. Fasted and Pray
3. Witness to the living Savior Jesus Christ.
What was Jesus response to those who asked who his mother and brothers were?
What is "those who hear the word of God and do it"?
What did the baby in Elizabeth's womb do when he heard Mary speak?
What is leaped for joy?
Which couple was known as the "Father and Mother of the Nation"?
Who is Abraham and Sarah?
In what town as Jesus born?
What is Bethlehem?
When did Zechariah start to talk again?
What is after the naming of his son "John"
Which king ordered the decree that all citizens should be registered?
What is Ceasar Augustus?
How long did Mary stay with her cousin Elizabeth when she went to visit her?
What is three months?
Who was known for persecuting the Jewish people before his conversion on the road to Damascus?
Who is Paul?