National Instant Criminal Background Check System
Who is the Unit Chief for NICS Operations Unit (NOU)?
Willow Lemley
Who is currently the Director of the FBI?
Christopher Wray
What is the preferred method for auto-routing an unrouteable?
Transmission ID
True or False: All CJIS Employees are permitted to take photographs on campus.
Criminal Justice Information Services
Who is the Unit Chief for NICS Assessment and Training Unit (NATU)?
Angela Vandergrift
Who was the longest serving Director of the FBI?
J. Edgar Hoover
Forward it to the examiner and their supervisor via email. Then select Delete/Drop in unrouteables page.
True or False: You must remove your SACS badge when leaving campus.
NICS Operations Unit
Who is the NICS Section Chief?
Trudy Ford
What year was NICS established?
True or False: When the transmission ID is automatically populated in the unrouteable page, you can just click submit without checking for the transmission ID or NTN.
If your ULMS Laptop is stolen, what must you do?
Report the stolen equipment to CSPRO immediately.
NICS Transaction Number
Erica Bombard
What is the name of the FBI Agent from WV that was killed in the line of duty?
Jerry Dove
How do you correctly forward an unrouteable for a transaction that is under appeal?
Forward to BSS in the unrouteable page.
What must you do when you walk away from your workstation?
Lock your computer screen.
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Relief of Disabilities Database
Who is the NICS Assistant Section Chief over the units NBLU and NATU?
Todd Commodore
What terrorist attack occurred in the United States in April 2013 in which the FBI investigated and located the perpetrators?
Boston Marathon bombings
How do you correctly forward an unrouteable that is related to a state check?
Submit to DDF, if applicable.
True or False: You have to report all contact with Law Enforcement