What year did Alcoholics Anonymous start?
Which part of relapse occurs first? Physical, emotional, or mental?
Emotional, then mental, then physical.
According to AA, how many people are living in long-term recovery in the US?
23.5 million
What is the third step?
Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.
This time of the year is known as the "Bermuda Triangle of Recovery", meaning that it is one of the most dangerous times for relapse.
The holidays. Thanksgiving to New Years.
Who are the founding father's of Alcoholics Anonymous?
Bill Wilson (known as Bill W.) and Robert Smith (known as Dr. Bob)
What does HALT stand for?
Hungry, angry, lonely, tired.
What are the four communication styles?
Passive, passive aggressive, aggressive, and assertive.
How many steps were there in AA at the beginning.
This stage of early addiction recovery involves feelings of euphoria and elation. When you’re in this phase, you feel confident and excited about recovery.
Pink Cloud
What year was Narcotics Anonymous founded?
Name three areas that DBT focuses on.
Mindfulness, emotional regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal relationships.
Name 3 defense mechanisms.
Avoidance, denial, projection, distortion, repression, intellectualization, regression.
The alcoholic has a daily reprieve from drinking contingent upon the maintenance of the [BLANK] condition
This part of treatment following detox and residential is key to staying sober.
Who is considered the founding father of Narcotics Anonymous?
Jimmy Kinnon
What are internal and external triggers?
Internal triggers are cognitive and emotional cues that lead to a relapse of symptoms, such as negative thoughts and feelings. External triggers come from the person's environment, including sensory cues like sounds, sights, and smells
This phrase means to convincing yourself that it's okay or that you have to use substances/engage in addictive behaviors
Relapse Justification
The "number one offender"
SMART treatment stands for what?
Self Management and Recovery Training
What is the name of the group that Bill W. was a part of prior to founding Alcoholics Anonymous?
The Oxford Group
What are three symptoms of dry drunk behavior?
Boredom with the program, thoughts of using, a lack of hope and motivation, skipping meetings, irritability and frustration, resentments towards yourself, people who still use, and those in the program, lying in meetings.
This process involves identifying and writing down triggers, coping skills, people, and activities that can help prevent a relapse
Relapse Prevention Plan
What is the name of the doctor who wrote the Doctor's Opinion
Dr. William Silkworth
What receptors do alcohol and benzos bind with?
Gaba receptors