What is Mitch's great great great great granddaddy's name?
What street is the Police station on ?
In "Raiders of the Lost Ark," the main antagonist is a French archaeologist working for the Nazis. What is his name? [First + Last]
René Belloq
What is the name of Abigail's date and what is his job?
Connor, White House Curator
Name 4 restaurants downtown
Bricks, Rebel, Gnarly Knots Egg House, Punky Pub
In the Well of Souls, Indy uses an object to measure the exact spot to dig for the Ark. What is this object, and what does Indy use to illuminate the map room?
the Staff of Ra, and a torch
What is the title of Riley's book?
The Templar Treasure
What are the Library's hours?
9am to 9pm
What does Marion say right before the monkey dies?
"Bad Dates"
Finish the Quote: "You're not hurt are you?"
When Indy first meets Elsa in Venice, she reveals her academic interest in a specific historical figure. Who is this figure?
Sir Richard Francis Burton
Where and what are Ben Gates' degrees?
a Bachelors degree in archeology and cryptology at the University of Philadelphia, a Masters degree in mechanical engineering degree from MIT and a Doctorate in American History from Georgetown University
What year was Lombard founded?
To reach the Grail, Indy must pass through three specific trials. One involves stepping on the correct stones to cross a chasm. What is the name of this trial, and what is the exact phrase Indy uses to find the first safe stone?
"Path of God," and "Only in the leap from the lion's head will he prove his worth"