Which year was the Church Founded?
How many sons did Gideon have?
70 sons
Name a miracle of Jesus only found in 1 gospel and include the chapter of the gospel it was found in.
Multiple answers will be accepted.
What is in the ark of the covenant which sat in the holiest of holies?
Golden pot with manna, Budded rod of Aaron, and the tablets of the Covenant
(Heb 9:4)
How many Assyrian soldiers were killed in the camp by 1 angel in one night when Hananiah prayed?
Zero - It was Hezekiah who prayed (2 Kings 19:35)
Name the first professionally produced song by a Church member and who wrote it?
Bonus(50): Sing a few lines
Israyelin Sthuthikal by Sis. Bain
God gave David 3 choices to choose as judgment for doing a census of the people, what were the 3 choices and which did he select?
Special Twist
3 or 7 years of famine, 3 months fleeing before his enemies or 3 days of plague(selected)
Special Twist: If the answer is right, the team can choose to switch directions of questions.
To whom did “He who has the sharp two-edged sword” write a letter?
To the ANGEL of the church of Pergamos
(100 points for Pergamos)
(100 points for the Angel of the church) Rev 2:12
Name the 2 altars in the Tabernacle and what were they made with?
Special Twist
Altar of Burnt Offerings(Bronze) and Altar of Incense(Gold)
Special Twist: Can choose to make the next team skip their turn for 100 points.
How many letters in the Hebrew alphabet and where in the Bible can it be found?
22 letters found in the 22 sections of Psalms 119
Who was the very first treasurer when NCPC was established?
Br. Neby
What are the five sections/categorizations of the OT books?
Torah/Pentateuch, Historical books, Wisdom Literature, Major Prophets, Minor Prophets
How many miracles of Jesus can be found in all 4 gospels, and which ones are they?
Only 1- Feeding the 5000
What are the dimensions of the holy of holies in Solomon’s Temple?
(Hint will cost 150 points)
It was 20 cubits long, wide, and high.
Name the 12 judges of Israel according to the Book of Judges. (25 points for every judge)
Othniel, Ehud, Shamgar, Deborah, Gideon, Tola, Jair, Jepthah, Ibzan, Elon, Abdon, Samson
Who was the main singer at our first Music Night?
Sis. Persis John
What is the longest verse in the OT?
Bonus(200): Recite the verse.
Esther 8:9
Name 5 modern-day countries mentioned in the New Testament.
Israel, Egypt, Cyprus, Malta, Italy
(Others will be accepted if given a verse)
What was the age of retirement for those who worked at the tabernacle?
50 years(Numbers 8:25)
Unscramble these 3 Biblical words.
1. Aiaihs
2. Najho
3. ewttmha
1. Isaiah
2. Jonah
3. Matthew
The NCPC logo consists of 5 elements as laid out in our Constitution, what are they?
Vine, Bible, Flame, Flags, Circle
Name the 7 festivals the Israelites celebrated.
Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, Feast of Weeks/Pentecost, Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement
(Leviticus 23:4-34)
As a warning at the end of Revelation, God says if anyone takes away from the words of prophecy, God will take away 3 things from them. What are the three things?
God shall take away his part from the
1. Book of Life,
2. from the holy city,
3. from the things which are written in this book
(Rev 22:19)
What is the inscription on the golden plate of the holy crown that Aaron and his sons wear?
HOLINESS TO THE LORD (Exodus 39: 30)
What one thing, if true, can invalidate the faith and hope of all Christians?
If it is true that Christ is not risen from the dead - our faith, and hope are futile, invalid, and pitiable.
(1 Cor 15: 12-19)