Why is there a custom to eat oily foods?
What is the name of the Rishon known as the Rif?
Rif stands for Rabbi Yitzchak Alfasi.
When were potatoes discovered?
Potatoes were discovered in the Americas in the 16th century and became popular in Europe afterward.
What is Megillas Antiochus?
Story of חנוכה
What does Mishneh Torah mean?
"Repetition of the Torah."
What is the source for eating doughnuts on Chanukah?
רבינו מיימון
Where can you find the rulings of the Rif?
where did he live?
What time period did the Rambam live in?
The Rambam (Maimonides) lived during the 12th century, from 1138 to 1204 CE.
Why is there a custom to eat dairy on Chanukah?
What else is called Mishneh Torah?
ספר דברים
What did the Rema say about making a party on Chanukah?
It is a רשות
one can make it a סעודת מצוה by singing שירות ותשבחות
What does the Rambam stand for?
Who lived first: רמב"ם or רמב"ן?
רבינו משה בן מיימון
The רמב"ם (Maimonides) lived before the רמב"ן (Nachmanides).
What is the Shulchan Aruch and the Rema's commentary on the Tur called?
דרכי משה
When did the נס חנוכה occur?
The נס חנוכה occurred in the year 3622 (138 B.C.E.), at the end of מלכות יון and the beginning of מלכות בית חשמונאי.
How many volumes are in the Tur?
Why isn’t the celebration of Chanukah with food?
Chanukah is not celebrated with a feast because its primary focus is the spiritual victory, commemorated through lighting the מנורה.
What is the Rambam's Halacha book called?
The רמב"ם's famous work is called משנה תורה or יד החזקה.
What time period is known as the medieval ages?
500–1500 CE
What is the source for saying "Haneros Halalu"?
מסכת סופרים-מסכת קטנות
What are the names of these volumes?
What is the famous question of the בית יוסף?
The famous question of the בית יוסף is: If there was enough oil for one day, why is Chanukah celebrated for eight days?
What are the comments of the Rema on the Shulchan Aruch called?
How many years after the Chanukah story did Rabbe live?
138 B.C.E. -188 C.E.
325 years.
Which מסכת were written by the גאונים?
Which one the גאונים translated מגילת אנטיוכוס?
What years is the time period of the גאונים?
need to answer (2)
מסכת קטנות-מסכת סופרים
רב סדעיה גאון
What does "Mappa" mean?
Table cloth