In terraria What is the requirement to get the merchant to move in
In Overwatch what is the name of the the hamster inside Wrecking ball?
In genshin impact who has the title of the strongest fighter in monstadt.
What is the name of the main city in Splatoon
In ark. What is the purpose of the ARK's
To preserve life and store genetic material during a cataclysmic extinction event.
In league of legends. What is the name of the Jungle camp that was replaced with Raptors.
What is the name of the the devil you meet in baldurs gate 3 who tries to offer you a deal for your soul
In marvel rivals who has a team up ability with cloak and dagger.
Moon knight
In Fire Emblem: Three Houses, which house is led by Claude?
The Golden Deer
in stardew valley what is the name of the legendary fish you can only catch in the sewers
Mutant Carp
In Apex legends what character can shoot a zipline.
In the binding of isaac, what item grants the user bombs instead of tears.
Dr. Fetus
In cuphead What is the name of the Sunflower
Cagney Carnation
In Ark. What creature is known for its use to gather Metal.
The ankylosaurus.
In Apex legends what is the name of the character that is also present in titanfall 2
In league of legends how many what is the name of the old map which used to have the game mode Dominion.
The Crystal Scar
In dark souls 1 what is the name of the tutorial area.
Undead Asylum.
What is the nam of the system in slay the spire that allows the player to loop into a more difficult run
In God of War (2018), which Norse god is Kratos tasked with defeating during his journey?
Who is the main protagonist of xenoblade 2
In counter strike. what is the Gun alternative to the desert eagle
The r8 Revolver
In counter strike, how much does an ak47 cost
In hollow Knight what is the name of the charm that gives your main attack projectiles while at full hp.
Grubberfly's Elegy
In terraria how do you summon the empress of light
Kill a prismatic butterfly at night.
In Ark, what is the name of the massive structures that often have bosses.
In risk of rain 2 What is the name of the final boss.
In elden ring what is the name of the tutorial area
The stranded graveyard
In isaac what is the name of the white boss that changes into every other boss in the game.
What is the name of the original fortnite island
In final fantasy 14 Which primal is known as the "Lord of the Inferno"
What is the name of the stock exchange in GTA V?
In noita what is the name of the liquid that turns you into a ship.
In Rain world what is the name of the first dead iterator?
Sliver of straw
in geometry Dash what is the name of the first level.
Stereo Madness
In league of legends How many champions are there from the void.
In elden ring what is the name of the final boss inside Raya Lucaria
Rennala, Queen of the full moon.
In Warframe, what is the name of the mysterious and powerful weapon that is said to be capable of destroying entire planets and is associated with the Tenno?
The archwing
In sekiro what is the name of the tutorial area.
Ashina Reservoir
What is the name of the world final fantasy 14 takes place
Who is the final boss in the spiderman 2 (2023) video game.
What is the name of the protagonist in wuthering waves
In payday 2 what is the name of the leader of the payday gang
In Realm of the mad god what is the name of the Main Villain?
Oryx the mad god.
In the stanley parable the art ending is the ending where you..... ?
Play the baby game for 4 hours.f
What is the name of the protagonist in slime rancher?
Beatrix LeBeau
What is the maximum amount of strawberrys you can have in celeste.
In destiny 2 what is the name of the robot race
The vex
What city does bloodborne take place in
In risk of rain 2 what is the void equivelant item to tougher times.
Safer spaces.
In terraria how many swords is contained in the zenith.
In monster hunter Rise what is the name of the main village
Kamura Village.
What is the name of the groupin team fortress 2 that specializes in demolitions operations.
RED (Reliable Excavation & Demolition)
What character in brawlhalla Fights alongside a wolf and a bird.