first category
second category
third category

1 to make someone agree to do something by talking to them a lot about it

2 a large fire outside, often used for burning waste

3 Very unusual, special, or remarkable.

4 the situation in which a part of the body has not developed in the normal way or with the normal shape

1 persuade 

2 bonfire

3 extraordinary

4 facial deformity


1 to persuade someone or make someone certain

2 a small bed for a baby, especially one that moves from side to side

3 to teach a child at home rather than sending him or her to school

4 to meet someone you know when you have not planned to meet them

1 convince

2 cradle

3 to homeschool

4 bump into someone


1 community (definition)

2 Full of life and energy, with lots of activity and color.

3 Old-fashioned but appealing, with a certain picturesque quality.

1  A community is a group of people who share common interests, values, or goals. This group can be connected by geographic location, but it can also be tied together by shared interests, beliefs, or activities.

2 vibrant 

3 quiant 


1 an opening in the top of the mouth caused when a baby does not develop normally before it is born

2 to suddenly become unconscious for a short time, usually falling down

3 быть расстроенным

4 to touch someone or something gently and usually repeatedly with the hand flat

1 cleft palate

2 to faint

3 be bummed

4 pat


1 Через несколько недель я привыкну к новому расписанию и буду чувствовать себя более комфортно.

2 Лёгкий ветерок дул через открытое окно, охлаждая комнату.

3 Всегда тщательно редактируйте свою работу перед отправкой.

1 After a few weeks, I will get used to the new routine and feel more comfortable.

2 A gentle breeze blew through the open window, cooling the room.

3 Always edit your work carefully before submitting it.


1 Neighbourhood(definition )

2 Calm and peaceful, often with a relaxing atmosphere.

3 Characteristic of residential areas outside of the city center, often with more space and greenery.

1 A neighborhood is a specific geographic area within a city or town. It refers to the physical locality where people live and interact with each other on a daily basis.

2 serene

3 suburban 


1 Осень — мое любимое время года. Мне нравится наблюдать, как листья меняют цвет с зеленого на оранжевый и желтый. Мне даже не жалко ( не против ) их сгребать, когда они падают с деревьев в мой сад. Еще одна замечательная вещь в осени — это еда. Забавно наблюдать за занятыми фермерами на полях, когда они собирают сладкую кукурузу и огромные оранжевые тыквы, которые люди затем берут домой и вырезают в них страшные лица, чтобы отпраздновать Хэллоуин.

Autumn is my favourite time of year. I love watching the leaves change colour from green into orange and yellow. I don't even mind having to rake them when they fall off the trees into my garden. Another great thing about autumn is the food. It's fun to watch the busy farmers in the fields as they harvest sweet corn, and huge orange pumpkins, which people then take home and carve scary faces into to celebrate Halloween.


1 Чаще всего я привык справляться с уведомлениями, не отвлекаясь.

2 Раньше они ездили за границу каждое лето, но теперь предпочитают местные каникулы.

3 A: I’m going out tonight.

B: Are you? I thought you said _____________home.(your own idea) 

4 Я часто пишу черновик перед редактированием своей работы.

1 Most of the time, I am used to handling notifications without getting distracted.

2 They used to travel abroad every summer, but now they prefer local vacations.

 3 you were going to stay at home 

4 I often write a draft before editing my work.


1 In poor condition due to age or neglect, with run-down buildings and infrastructure.

2  Focused on business and retail, with lots of shops and offices.

3 Primarily consisting of homes and living spaces, with a focus on domestic life.

4 Если в районе хорошие удобства, он привлекает больше людей.

1 Dilapidated 

2 Commercial

3 Residential 

4 If a neighborhood has good amenities, it attracts more people.


1 борода,примерочная, неуважительный,краска для волос, незаконный, неприличный,равнодушный,непрактичный,помада, производить, усы, лак для ногтей.

2 Он с трудом поверил в новость, когда услышал ее.

3 Город относительно небольшой, но имеет богатую историю.

4 Этот документальный фильм заставляет задуматься многих зрителей.

1 beard, changing room, disrespectful, hair dye, illegal, indecent, insensitive, impractical, lipstick,manufacture, moustache, nail varnish .

2 He could hardly believe the news when he heard it.

3 The town is relatively small but has a rich history.

4 This documentary is being thought-provoking for many viewers.


1 Еда в том ресторане была отвратительной.

2 К следующему году они сделают обязательствa по проекту.

3 Они недавно поссорились из-за денег.

4 Музей представляет современное искусство 21-го века.

1 The food at that restaurant was revolting.

2 By next year, they will have made a commitment to the project.

3 They have had an argument about money recently.

4 The museum features contemporary art from the 21st century.


1 ремонт, престижный, восстанавливать, удобства,обращаться к , жители, культурный состав района (сосодства ) , ремесенные рынки, украсить, льготы.

2 Too many people in a given area, leading to congestion and a lack of space.

3 Если ты пройдёшь два квартала отсюда, ты найдёшь хорошее кафе.

4 Если бы в районе было меньше коммерческих зданий, было бы тише.

1 renovation, upscale(upmarket), restore, amenities, appeal to, residents, cultural makeuo of the neghbourhood, artisanak markets, beautify, incentives. 

2 Overcrowded

3 If you walk two blocks from here, you will find a nice café.

4 If there were fewer commercial buildings, the area would be quieter.


1 Проверка телефона стала автоматической привычкой, от которой мне сложно избавиться.

2 When I went into the room, I saw that the table and chairs were not in the same place.

(the furniture / move) The ____________________. 

3 После переезда в город мне понадобилось несколько месяцев, чтобы привыкнуть к постоянному шуму.

4 serviced / her car / Sarah / once a year / has


5 Она привыкла справляться со стрессовыми ситуациями, что делает её отличным лидером.

1 Checking my phone has become an automatic habit I struggle to break.

2 the furniture had been moved 

3 After moving to the city, it took me several months to get used to the constant noise.

4 Sarah has her cat serviced once a year 

5 She is used to handling stressful situations, which makes her an excellent leader.


1 If I (to remove) distractions, I (to be able) to get important work done more effectively.

2 Хотя изначально ему было трудно, он постепенно привык к требованиям своей новой роли.

3 as soon as possible / need / translated / we / to get / this document

4 a feeling or opinion about something or someone, or a way of behaving that is caused by this

1 If I remove distractions, I will be able to get important work done more effectively.

2 Although he initially struggled, he gradually got used to the demands of his new role.W

3 We need to get this document translated as soon as possible 

4 attitude


1 разрастание, плотность, перспективный, вынести решение против, жутко, этническая чистка, безобидный, чучело, обновление городов

2 a very large city, often the capital of a country or region

3 to throw something with a lot of force, usually in an angry or violent way

4 Слово «секонд-хэнд» имеет подтекст низкое качество.

1 sprawl, density, up-and-coming, decide against, eerily, ethnical clensing, innocuous, effigy, urban renewal. 

2 metropolis

3 to hurl 

4 The word 'second-hand' has connotation of poor quality.


1 Это миф, что все пожилые люди испытывают трудности с быстро меняющейся информационной технологией.

2 a field with grass and often wild flowers in it

3 information on many different subjects that you collect gradually, from reading, television, etc., rather than detailed information on subjects that you have studied formally

4 У моих бабушки и дедушки был договорной брак.

5 Sam gets a higher salary now. (he / promote) 


1 It is a myth that all older people struggle with the fast-paced evolution of information technology.

2 meadow

3 general knowledge 

4 My grandparents had an arranged marriage.

5 has been promoted 


1 Он был буквально измотан после целого дня работы без перерыва.

2 to have a good relationship or deal successfully with a situation

3 Дом был среднего размера, идеально подходил для небольшой семьи.

4 How much of the earth’s surface (cover) by water?

While I was on holiday, my camera (steal) from my hotel room.

I didn’t realise that somebody was recording our conversation.

I didn’t realise that_______________

1 He was literally exhausted after working all day without a break.

2 get on (along ) with 

3 The house was average-sized, perfect for a small family.

4 is covered

was stolen 

our conversation was being recorded 


1 Демонстранты бросали камни в полицию.

2 a situation in which people try to change a government, often using violence, or in which they refuse to accept someone's authority

3 a town or part of a city

 4 a way of referring to the UK or England, used especially by soldiers during the First World War

 5 Если бы они вложились в элитное жилье пять лет назад, этот район стал бы престижным.

1 The demonstrators hurled stones at police

 2 revolt 

3 borough 

 4 Blighty 

5 If they had invested in upscale housing five years ago, the area would have become a luxury district
