As long as you are friends with a person, you can post some embarrassing photos of them on social media. True or false.
false p. 10
Who decides what is appropriate of dress code? The principal, student, or parent?
the principal
How long can a book be checked out for in the media center?
2 weeks.
When you find material online that is very well written and you want to use it, you can copy and paste it into your own work. True or false.
False. This is described as plagiarism.
What happens with the 3rd offense of the dress code?
How much is a yearly parking pass for students?
If you forget your chromebook, you can use another student's chromebook as long as they agree to it. True or false.
What letter grade is NOT part of the grading policy?
What is the maximum speed for driving on campus?
10 MPH
During free time, you can access message boards, live chat yahoo or MSN Messenger at your own discretion.
false. p.12
How can a student be exempt from taking the final exam? p. 18
* has a 92% or above in class.
*free of fines and charges
*no more than four tardies/unexcused absences combined
Can students use their cell phones to call home? yes or no
No. Students may use classrooms or school offices to call home.
What does the acronym ADAP stand for?
ADAP is an acronym that stands for Alcohol and Drug Awareness Program. adap.jpg. In Georgia, teens under 18, by law, must prove that they have completed ADAP to obtain their Class D driver's license.
How many semesters are there in one school year?
Is smoking and/or vaping allowed on campus?
In order to receive a Georgia Driver's license, what 2 documents must be obtained?
Certificate of School Enrollment and an ADAP Certification.
How many credits must a student receive in order to graduate?
If you bring your own hotspot, you can use it during school hours.
false. Students are not permitted to use devices to access the Internet via personal Wi-Fi accounts.
Cell phones must be left in the classroom when using the restroom. True or false
How are students assigned to a counselor?
By the first letter of their last name
Now that students are in high school, they can check at any time throughout the day. true or false
false. Students are not allowed to check out after 1:45.
Cell phones can be left off silent during class so you can hear if there is an emergency. True or flase
false. Cell phones are expected to be silenced or powered off while inside the classroom.
Do students keep their counselor through their whole time at Pickens High School?
Only seniors are allowed to leave campus for lunch. True or false
Students are not allowed to leave campus for lunch.
How does a student make an emergency call?
Request a pass to the main office.
P 26 Nominees for Mr. and Miss PHS should exhibit qualities of _______, dependability, and a _______ __________
leadership, dependability, good attitude
What is the purpose of the dress code? page 15
to promote an orderly learning environment in our schools while preparing all students for later success in the world of work.