This person ate too many Takis with a client and can never eat them again.
Who is Caitlyn?
These three virtual team members would kill for a Diet Coke right now!
Who are Madalyn, Sara and Ryan?
This person collects license plates
Who is Ryan?
This person grew up in Hawaii
Who is Imani?
This person's dog ate their wedding ring this year.
Who is Lorissa?
This person is a big fan of butterscotch flavor.
Who is Kim?
The virtual team almost unanimously answered that this seat on the airplane was their favorite.
What is the window seat?
This person loves to experiment with different ways to make tacos. They have been known to wax poetic about this versatile food (soft shell, crunchy, shrimp, chicken, and always with GARLIC!).
Who is Hatley?
When this person was a kid they used to have "fireworks wars" on the 4th of July.
Who is Dylan?
This person's dream car is a VW Bus
Who is Rhea?
The weirdest thing this person has ever eaten is raccoon.
Who is Chapyn?
One virtual staff member is a certified "pie hater" and the other just finds them "meh".
Who are Dolly and Alyson?
These 2 people were competitive swimmers growing up.
Who are Devin and Sara?
What is Gen Z slang?
This person matches their pens to their outfit each day
Who is Elizabeth?
This person enjoys eating pickled okra.
Who is Christy?
These 2 virtual team members usually bring "the vibes" to a potluck rather than a side dish.
Who are Sam and Anthony?
This person is a classically trained opera singer.
Who is Angela?
When this person was 6, they convinced their twin brothers that they were actually triplets but their mom gave their other brother "Andy" away.
Who is Dolly?
This person once fell asleep in a Moe's bathroom cradling their burrito.
Who is Madalyn?
This person likes eating carrots in the shower
Who is Hannah?
What are Moose Tracks and Mint Chocolate Chip?
This person was in an episode of American Horror Story in Season 3
Who is Lauren?
This person stole their mother's credit card at age 7 to gamble on backgammon online
Who is Kat?
In college, this person built a "snow slide" from their apartment window to the heated pool below.
Who is Danika?