Over how many species of Chondrichthyes are there?Over how many Osteichthyes?
North Carolina has how many species of amphibians?
Unsafe water and poor sanitation and hygiene causes _._ million deaths worldwide, __% of which are under the age of __.
3.5; 25%; 14
What is the number of species an ecosystem can support called?
carrying capacity
Other than no jaw, name one of the other 3 things that Agnathas (jawless fish) lack.
What is the main impairment of NC's water bodies?
urban runoff
It is estimated that by what year, hardly anyone will have enough water?
What is a harmful increase in temperature called?
thermal pollution
Osteichthyes make up __% of all Earth's fish.
DDT was a pesticide used from the ____'s to ____'s.
1950's to the 1970's
What is the average salinity of both fresh and salt water?
What is the small, rounded fin that some fish (like the rainbow trout) have between the dorsal and caudal fin called?
adipose fin
What is the greatest threat to upland stream?
When hydrogen and oxygen bond asymmetrically they share ______ to form a polar molecule.
What are the 3H's required for wetlands?
hydrology, hydric soils, and hydrophytic vegetation
What are the muscle segments on the sides of a fish called and how to they help them swim?
Myomeres; the muscles contract and release, allowing the fish to swim
What is the greatest attributing factor to ocean threats called?
tragedy of the commons
When water an air meet to form a "skin" on the water that is able to support the weight of small, aquatic insects, it is called what?
surface tension
About how old is the Great Dismal Swamp?
10,000 years
Most fish can lay anywhere from _____ eggs to ________ of eggs at a time!
nitrates, nitrites, phosphates, dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, alkalinity
At what temperature does water boil? (give Fahrenheit and Celsius)
212 degrees F / 100 degrees C
What the temperature layering that occurs in water bodies called?
thermal stratification
There are 3 types of trout in NC.
1. What are they?
2. Which one is native?
3. Where are the other 2 from? (be specific about which is from where)
1. Brown, Brook, & Rainbow
2. Brook
3. Rainbow= from west coast of U.S. Brown= from Europe
Name the act that matches this date: 1973
Endangered Species Act
Over what percent of Earth's water is too salty for our for most organisms to use?
What is a sloped bank of a river called?