Proteins that lower activation energy to speed up reactions
Adenosine Triphosphate shortened into 3 letters
Needs ____ from the sun
sunlight / light
Requires ____ from food (starts with the letter g)
Our mascot name
Enzymes are the biomolecule ____
ATP stands for
Adenosine Triphosphate
Absorbs ___ from the atmosphere to use as a reactant
CO2 / Carbon Dioxide
Requires ___ from the air
oxygen / O2
blue / white
Enzymes and ____ bind together
ADP stands for
Adenosine Diphosphate
Plants absorb ____ from the ground to use as a reactant in photosynthesis
Water / H2O
Makes energy in the form of ___ (3 letters)
"Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati"
Respond with ____ ___ ___
Pray for us
The location where substrates bind to enzymes
Which one results in the most ATP
glycolysis, Krebs cycle, Electron Transport Chain
Electron Transport Chain
Makes ___ and ____ as a products.
Write both!
glucose and oxygen
Results in ATP and 2 products, _____ and _____ .
Write both!
carbon dioxide and water
CO2 and H2O
The KCHS sports team that revealed a trophy at our assembly on Tuesday