The city where Lehi's family lives before embarking on their journey into the wilderness.
Nephite missionary who protected the Lamanite king's flocks from robbers.
It's the longest book in the Book of Mormon.
Famous prophet who called the Nephites to repent from high on a city wall, and was protected from harm by the Lord.
Samuel the Lamanite
This area was where Nephi and his brothers built a ship to travel to the promised land.
Land of Bountiful
General of the Nephite armies in the war chapters of Alma who wrote the Title of Liberty, which inspired the Nephites to protect their families and freedom.
Captain Moroni.
This device led Lehi's family on their journey to the Americas.
The Liahona
An angel appeared to this rebellious son of a prophet, and calling him and the sons of King Mosiah to repent from their wicked ways.
Alma the Younger
Brothers who were shocked by the power of the Lord when they sought to harm their younger brother.
Laman and Lemuel
In Lehi's vision of the iron rod, this structure was full of people mocking and pointing at those who had chosen to partake of the fruit from the Tree of Eternal Life.
The great and spacious building
Nephite prophet who bore testimony to a wicked king, and was sentenced to death by burning at the stake.
What is the subtitle of the Book of Mormon?
Another Testament of Jesus Christ
This prophet warned the people of Jerusalem that their city would be destroyed unless they repented.
This wicked King sentenced a prophet to death by burning at the stake.
King Noah
This hill in upstate New York was where Joseph Smith recovered the gold plates and other artifacts.
The Hill Cumorah.
The last prophet to write in the Book of Mormon.
The Book of Mormon was published in this year.
This Nephite prayed all day and all night for forgiveness from his sins.
A famous secret combination that appears in the Book of Mormon.
The Gadianton Robbers
This city was the capital of the Nephites, where many important events occurred.
This prophet was the leader of the 2000 stripling warriors.
It's the shortest book in the Book of Mormon.
The Book of Jarom.
This Nephite King built a tower so that all of the people could hear his famous final sermon.
King Benjamin
This treacherous Nephite used cunning tactics to take over the Lamanite armies, including slowly poisoning the opposing Lamanite leaders.