Who is Mrs. Grooms?
Favorite Snack
What is popcorn?
This student's father is an administrator at Airline High School.
Who is Emma Stowell?
This student has an IMBd number.
Who is Cooper Fontaine?
De nada
What is "You're welcome"?
Your fearless leader
Who is Mrs. Lewis?
The Freshman Counselor
Who is Mrs. Garrett?
Who is Mrs. Samuels?
Favorite Drink
What is Diet Dr. Pepper or Dr. Pepper Zero?
Shares a name with a season
Who is Autumn Johnson?
This student has beaten Tiger Woods son in a golf tournament.
Who is Hudson Greene?
What is name?
Birthday trip was New York City.
Who is Alex Perez?
The name of the danceline.
What is Blue Angels?
Band Instructor
Who is Mr. Rabon?
Who is Mrs. Milam?
Aim, high jump, cheerleader...
Who is Claire Jacobson?
Who is Levi McClary?
What is brother?
Who is Jack Hennessey?
Name of the football stadium.
What is MD Ray Field?
Who is Mr. Budgewater?
Room Number
What is 17?
Favorite color is pink, pink, pink
Who is Aniya Jackson?
This student didn't know who was in the Lion's Den.
Who is Drake, aka Daniel?
What is uncle?
Last name can be found on a compass rose.
Who is Cole East?
Who is Mr. James?
Girls' Basketball Coach
Who is Mrs. Bullard?
Favorite Color
What is pink?
First name on an alphabetized list of firsts.
Who is Alexis Grayson?
Dad owns several hotels.
Who is Veer Patel?
What is tomorrow?
Shares a name with a book in the Bible.
Who is Genesis Ruiz?
The two newest wings
What is E and F?
Art Teacher
Who is Mrs. Bowers?
The number of kids I have.
What is 4?
Same letter, first and last name.
Who is Anisha Amin?
This student's nickname is my favorite animal.
Who is Fox Petzoid?
What is classroom?
His last name is a classmate's first name.
Who is Drake Morgan?
Name of the School Newspaper.
What is Askalada?
Spanish Teacher
Who is Mr. Zozaya?
My Son that attends BPSTIL
Who is John John?
Same name as my daughter
Who is Carleigh Perkins?
Mother is named after a month which brings in May Flowers.
Who is Jayden Collins?
What is kitchen?
Nose is always in a book.
Who is Kyleigh Sauviac?
Name of the Commons Area.
What is "The Dock"?
Yearbook Sponsor
Who is Mrs. Woods?
The college Noah is going to.
What is UT Austin?
Daughter of CMS's Teacher of the Year.
Who is Evie Hennegan?
Who is Gray Schular?
*Double Jeopardy*
What is summer?
Name shared with the capital of Mississippi.
Who is Jackson Cottom?
Who is Mrs. Farrington?
ELL Teacher
Who is Mrs. Romero?
The other Bossier Parish Middle School I taught at.
*Double Jeopardy*
What is Rusheon Middle School?
Has done dance since the age of two, a member of the Airline Pep Squad
Who is Kaylee Cooper?
Who is Brian Taylor?
What is cake?
First name is shared with a type of Shoe
Who is Jordan Smelzer?
When was Airline built?
What is 1964?
Curriculum Coach
Who is Mr. Smith? (Coach Smith)
The number of states I have been visited.
What is 50?
Last name on an alphabetized list of firsts.
Who is Morgan Bradford?
Everyone wants to be like him...
Who is Andrew Sawrie?
What is mouth?
Shares a name with a brand of Hot Fries
Who is Hunter Capps?
The phrase on the Airline Crest.
What is "Valor Unconquered"?