Be Holy to Serve God
Daniel 1-6
Lord's Second Coming/Sabbath
Special Topic/Bonus

Why was Moses unable to enter Canaan?

Because he did not obey God when God told him to speak to the rock for water.


What were the names of Daniel's three friends? (BONUS: Double points if you know their Babylonian names) [CLOSED BIBLE]

Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah

Babylonian names: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego


Why didn't David want to kill Saul in the cave?

Because he had respect for God's anointed one


What is the origin of the Sabbath?

God rested after creating the world and blessed the Sabbath day.


What does it mean to be holy?

To be set apart, clean, pure, without sin


Why did Isaiah feel like he was unworthy to serve God? What did the angel do to him to make him clean?

He was a man of unclean lips and he lived with people who had unclean lips.

The angel touched his lips with a burning coal.


Why didn't Daniel and his friends want to eat the king's food? What were the two reasons why it might be unclean? (BONUS: Double points if you can name three clean animals and three unclean animals)

It might have been offered to idols or it might have been from unclean animals.


How were David's and Saul's reactions different after being confronted about their sin?

Saul tried to make excuses for his sin and deferred the blame to others, while David immediately admitted his sin and repented sincerely


What are the four types of ground in the parable of the sower? (BONUS: Double points if you know what each type of ground represents) [CLOSED BIBLE]

Thorns - Choked by cares of the world

Rocky ground - No root in their faith

Wayside - Word taken away by Satan

Good ground - Able to grow and bear fruits


What is one example of a good trend and one example of a bad trend in the world?

Good trends: Phones, AI

Bad trends: Drugs, relationships between men and women, video games, changing gender


What are two criteria for clean animals and what are the spiritual teachings behind each one? (BONUS: Double points if you can name three clean animals and five unclean animals)

Chewing the cud: Meditate on God's word

Split hooves: Discern between good and evil

Clean animals: Cow, sheep, fish, etc.

Unclean animals: Pig, camel, eel, rock hyrax, horse, etc.


What were the different parts of King Nebuchadnezzar's vision made out of? (Bonus 200 points if you know what country each part represents)

Gold head: Babylon

Silver arms/chest: Persia

Bronze waist/thighs: Greece

Iron legs: Rome

Clay and iron feet: Rome divided into 10 smaller kingdoms


What were Saul's two mistakes that made God regret making him king?

He made an unauthorized sacrifice and he did not obey God's command to utterly destroy the Amalekites.


What will happen during Jesus' Second Coming based on Matthew 25:31-35? (Bonus 200 points if you don't use your Bible)

Jesus will descend from heaven to judge the world. The righteous will receive eternal life while the wicked will be eternally condemned.


What are two characteristics of a good friend and one characteristic of a bad friend? (BONUS: Double points if you can name all three characteristics of a good and bad friend)

Good friend: Loves, encourages, shows mercy

Bad friend: Misleads, gossips/untrustworthy, judgmental and unsympathetic


What were Moses' weaknesses during the three stages of his life? (2 weaknesses at 40 years old, 1 weakness at 80 years old, 1 weakness at 120 years old)

40 years old: Pride and bad temper

80 years old: Felt he could not speak well (Low self-esteem)

120 years old: Did not respect God's word



MENE: To count (God has numbered your kingdom and finished it)

TEKEL: You have been weighed in the balances and found wanting

PARSIN: Divide/separate (Your kingdom has been divided and given to the Medes/Persians)


What were three good qualities that Saul had before he became king?

Diligence/faithfulness, humility, forgiveness


How can we see God's love in the incident recorded in Numbers 15:32-36?

Because God wanted to teach the people to honor the Sabbath and be able to rest


What are two things we can learn from Daniel and his friends to help us overcome peer pressure?

Build church friendships to support one another, believe in God's protection, stand firm, pray to God for courage and mercy.


What were the functions of the three pairs of wings that the Seraphim had? What is the significance behind each one?

One pair covering their face - Hiding their own glory to give all of the glory to God

One pair covering their feet - Not walking on their own path; going where God wants them to go

One pair to fly with - Quickly performing the work that God gives them


"But if not, let it be known to you, O king, ____ __ __ ___ _____ ____ ____, ___ ____ __ _______ ___ ____ _____ which you have set up.” (Daniel _:18) [CLOSED BIBLE]

"But if not, let it be known to you, O king, that we do not serve your gods, nor will we worship the gold image which you have set up.”


What were four reasons why David was a man after God's own heart? (Bonus 200 points if you can name all 6)

He had an innocent faith and trusted in God, he had respect for God and for the anointing of God, he had a deep love for the word of God, he desired to honor God, he sought God's guidance in making decisions, his repentance and humility


What are four things that will happen in the end times? (Bonus 300 points if you don't use your Bible)

False prophets, wars (in the world and within the church), persecutions, earthquakes, famines


Recite the Lord's Prayer. [CLOSED BIBLE]

Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. (Matthew 6:9-13)
