Name this song
Paaj ncaim toj
Name this Pokemon
Name this actor
Keem yaj
What is Naruto's favorite food?
Name this actress
Ntxoov lauj
Name this singer
Touly Vangkhue
What is the weight of Magikarp?
***Daily Double***
Fill in the blank
Tub __________ tau sau ib daim __________ __________ no rau __________.
(Options are: ntxaus, nxtaum, ntawm, ntaug, ntawv, ntawg, ntxawm, ntaus, ntxawg)
Who did Lisa Simpson date?
Which word spells out daughter?
(Options: Nxhais, ntxhai, nthxias, nxthais, ntshai, ntxhais, ntshais, ntshias, ntxais, ntxshai, nxtais, nxtshai)
Spell the word "Fruits," in Hmong
What is T-X-I-V H-M-A-B T-X-I-V N-T-O-O
List all the different types of pokemon
18 or 19
Normal, Fire, Water, Electric, Grass, Ice, Fighting, Poison, Ground, Flying, Psychic, Bug, Rock, Ghost, Dragon, Dark, Steel, Fairy, and Stellar.
List all 18 clans
Cha (Chang), Chue, Cheng, Fang, Hang, Her (Herr), Khang, Kong, Kue, Lor (Lo, Lao), Lee (Ly), Moua, Pha, Thao (Thor), Vang, Vue, Xiong and Yang.
What is the name of Simba's father in the Lion King?
Name this vegetable
Zaug nkauj fa
Number of Hmong ppl residing in MN
I am a pokemon, when my name is spelled backwards it describes what I am
Ekrans ------> Snake
Arbok -----> Kobra
What are the split horns called?
Ob tug kuam neeb
What is the name of anime with a boy stuck in an iceberg for 100 years?
Avatar, the Last Airbender
Name this band
Which word spells out "Fear" in Hmong
(Options: Nxhais, ntxhai, nthxias, nxthais, ntshai, ntxhais, ntshais, ntshias, ntxais, ntxshai, nxtais, nxtshai)
List all 8 evolutions of Evee
Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, Glaceon and Sylveon.
Riddle: Tuaj deb ntsia zoo li txooj xyoob, mus txog yog txiv nuj-sis-loob. Yog dab tsi ?
Rab Qeej
Why are the Simpsons yellow?
What is Nkauj nog's stepsisters name?