Main Idea

Jackʼs eyes were droopy and his eyelids felt really heavy.

We can infer that he is...

very sleepy


The message or lesson that the author wants you to learn from the story is called the



Point of view is...

A) the vantage point, or perspective of a story

B) the author's opinion

C) the reader's opinion or perspective

A) the vantage point, or perspective of a story


The main idea is supported by what?



How old is Mr. Joe?

Aggressively old


It is important to learn how to make inferences because many times...

authors communicate ideas indirectly


"Cinderella was thoughtful and kind", is an example of a theme. True or false?



The doorbell rang. Scott bounded down the stairs. He looked through the peephole and then opened the door. The mailman stood there holding a package. "Is your mother or father home?" Scott shook his head back and forth. The mailman handed Scott a bulky scanning device and said, "Sign here, please." Scott grabbed the stylus and scrawled his name.

Third Person Limited


Most of the time, Main Idea can be found ...

at the start or end of a paragraph


No word must ever leak out about this military action! It has to be a clandestine operation in order to succeed.

Which word is a synonym of "clandestine"?



_______ + ________ = Inference

Background knowledge + Clues from the text


Three flies notice an overturned honey pot. Two of the flies decide to land in the honey and start eating it. But the oldest fly stays back. The two flies tease the older fly, but then get stuck in the honey. 

What is the theme of this story?

A) Some prizes aren't worth it.

B) Overeating leads to illness.

A) Some prizes aren't worth it.


The phone rang. Sam answered it and on the other end was a voice that he knew very well. It was his teacher. At once, his heart began to beat faster and he couldn't quite get the words to come out. He was nervous and wondering why his teacher would be calling his house. Could it be about what happened today during lunch?

Third Person Limited


An octopus isn't fast enough to swim after a fish. The octopus must wait for a fish to swim by.  When the fish comes within reach, the octopus whips out his long arm to grasp it.  Then the octopus has a tasty meal.  What is the main idea?

How an octopus gets its food


No matter where you go, the Internet is following you. Every portable device is being made with an Internet connection. Most new TVs and other electronics come with Internet connections as well. The Internet is truly ubiquitous. 

If something is ubiquitous, it is....



You can see that there´s a person running and hugging a purse. Then, you walk around the block and see a girl crying and asking for help. You can guess that...

The guy was running because he stole the purse.


Where can a reader find the theme?

A) It stated directly in the text.

B) Books or movies do not have themes.

C) The reader must understand what the character has learned.

C) The reader must understand what the character has learned.


Types of POV discussed in class?

first person, second person, third person limited, third person omniscient


I can't wait until this weekend! We’re going to my grandparents’ house and my entire family will be there. I will spend most of my time playing games with my cousins. We always have such a good time together! The day goes by so fast, and by the end we are all exhausted... but we still don’t want to leave!

The author enjoys spending time with her family.


Which context clue strategy would be used in this sentence:

"The students were incensed that their Halloween party was shortened because of their classmates's poor behavior."

A) Definition context clue

B) Example/Inference context clue

C) Synonym context clue

B) Example/Inference context clue


"Background Knowledge" is...

what I know from experiences that I have had in life.


Which character trait is suggested by the following lines:

The old man waited for Ginger to calm down before rubbing her and whispering the command to follow him.

A) Cruel

B) Tired

C) Patient

D) waits

C) Patient


"Cynthia and her brother walked home from school this afternoon."

First, second, or third person POV?

Third person POV


Seated on his throne, King Midas wore a golden crown. He had golden rings on each finger and held a golden scepter. His vest was embroidered with golden thread and even his shoes had golden ornaments. He had a golden box filled with gold coins. He named his daughter Marigold.

What is the main idea of this paragraph?

King Midas loved gold.


The football player was a voracious eater who could easily eat three large pizzas at dinner. 

What does voracious mean as it is used in this sentence?

Having a huge appetite
