1.make weaker
2. keep, maintain/ keep bad feeling
The latest crime figures are merely symptomatic of a wider .... (general feeling of illness and dissatisfaction) in society.
Paraphrase: The onset of the decease is insidious.
The decease starts without symptoms
senile dementia
mental disorder due to old age
economical with truth
get worse
1. treatment given or action taken to prevent disease.
2. a sudden feeling of cold with shivering accompanied by a rise in temperature, often with copious sweating, especially at the onset or height of a fever
3.in large amounts SYNONYM abundant
Name 4 synonyms of ''tired, exhausted, without energy''
fatigued, fatigue
listless, lassitude
lethargic, lethargy
worn out
What's the difference between ''pernicious'' and ''insidious''?
Insidious suggests a lying in wait or a gradualness of effect or approach and applies especially to devious and carefully masked underhandedness. Pernicious is more often applied to things that harm exceedingly or irrepairably by evil or by insidious corrupting.
1. ataxia
2. bulimia
3. somatization
1. loss of coordination
2. eating disorder
3. The experience of bodily symptoms with no or insufficient physical cause for them
1.gloss over
3.talk up
1. avoid
2. hard to digest/accept
3. exaggerate
4. make sth seem better than it is
1. pyrexical, febrile
2. yield/yield result
3. impair
4. intrude
1. feverish
2. to produce something useful such as information or evidence
3. damage
4. invade
Squint/cross eyes
Oscillation/involuntary eye movement
1.person's manner of walking
2.examining a patient with a stethoscopes
3.examine a patient with hand
4.examine a patient with tapping
1. gait
2. auscultate
3. palpate
4. percuss
1. malinger
2. elation
3. concrete thinking
4. echolalia
1. pretending to be ill
2. unwarranted cheerfulness
3. inability to grasp abstract concepts
4. repeating, learning disorder
1. adversary
2. level with
3. phoney
4. fib
5. deceive
6. distort
1. opponent/enemy
2. tell the truth
3. lier
4. small lie, white lie
5. lie
6. change facts
1. stigma, stigmatize
2. dormant
3. latent
4. deprive somebody of something
5. exert
1. shame, put sb to shame
2. passive, inactive
3. passive, inactive
4. to prevent somebody from having or doing something, especially something important
5. exercise
1. diplopia
2. dyspnea
3. dysphagia
4. dysuria
5. dysphasia
1. double vision
2. problem breathing
3. language disorder
4. problem urinating
5. problem swallowing
1. Morbilli/rubeolla
2. Rubella
3. Varicella
4. Infectious parotitis
1. Measles წითელა/წითურა
2. German Measles
3. Chickenpox ჩუთყვავილა
4. Mumps ყბაყურა
1. digress
2. unwarranted
3. allude
4. prevail
1. deviate from the topic
2. unjustified, ungrounded
3. hint at
3. become common, spread
1. come across as/ strike as
2. assertive
3. conscientious
4. conceited
5. shrewd/astute
6. ruthless
7. pushy
8. character
1. give impression of
2. confident
3. thorough
4. over confident
5. good at judging
6. cruel
7. rude
8. interesting and unusual person
8. persevere
9. persist
10. induce
1. negative
2. having many sides
3. regular
4. improve, perfect, refine
5. detailed
6.intimidating, scary
7. nuanced
8. not give up
9. continue (especially sth negative)
10. cause
Describe the fractures:
1. impacted
2. comminuted
3. greenstick
4. open
5. displaced
1. broken ends of the bone are jammed together
2. a bone that is broken in at least two places
3. a bone bends and cracks, instead of breaking completely into separate pieces.
4. there is an open wound or break in the skin near the site of the broken bone.
5. A gap forms where the bone breaks
2.Acute laryngotracheitis
4.Rheumatic fever
5. Tetanus
1.Whooping cough მყივანა ხველა
2.Croup კრუპი, ლარინგო ტრაქეიტი
3.Scarlet fever ქუნთრუშა
4.Rheumatic fever რევმატიული შეტევა
5.Lockjaw გაშეშება, ტეტანი
6.Polio პოლიომილიტი
1. refrain from
2. adhere to
3. susceptible to
4. a) The bad weather gets me down. b) Try to get some food down
1. avoid
2. stick to
3. prone to/ liable to
4. a) depress b) eat
1. naïve
2. aloof/stand-offish
3. mislead, misleading
4. cunning/crafty
5. diffident
6. virtue
7. vice
8. trait
9. quick witted
10. I didn't take to him when we first met but later I warmed up to him
1. easy to trick
2. distant, unfriendly
3. lie
4. smart in a cruel way
5. shy
6. good/desirable quality
7. bad, undesirable quality
8. quality
9. able to think quickly
10. start liking sb