My inside is mint and my outside is chocolate.
What is the Thin Mint
Selling in an area you are not familiar is considered. A: Safe and OK or B: Unsafe and Never Allowed.
What is B: Unsafe and Never Allowed.
You should always sell cookies in places that are familiar and safe.
The cost of an individual box (1) of cookies.
What is $6
Your online cookie store
What is Digital Cookie.
Debit or credit can be accepted through your secure Digital cookie website QR Code. This is the preferred method of payment.
Why sell cookies?
What is to earn money for troop activities.
My box is red and I'm peanut buttery.
What is the Tagalong
True or False: When selling or delivering cookies you should never enter customer's homes.
What is True.
You should never enter a customer's home OR vehicle.
The amount of change you give to a customer who hands you a $10 bill for one box of cookies.
What is $4
Scan this to open your Digital Cookie Storefront and place a customer order.
What is your QR code
What methods of payment can we accept for cookie sales?
What is cash, credit card, or debit card.
The preferred method of payment is credit or debit through your online store (Digital Cookie).
Crispy lemon flavored cookies with inspiring messages to lift your spirits.
What is the Lemon Up
Is it OK/safe to give someone your full name and phone number so they can call you back to order?
What is Unsafe.
You should never share your name, address, phone number, or any other personal information with cookie customers.
Daily Double: The amount of change given to a customer that purchases 4 boxes of cookies and gives you a $50 bill.
What is $26
Customer orders in your online cookie store need to be approved within ___ days.
What is 5 days.
Online/Digital Cookie store orders must be approved within 5 calendar days.
Wear this when selling GS cookies.
What is your Girl Scout uniform.
Wear your uniform to show you are a Girl Scout!
The only Gluten free cookie.
What is Toffeetastic
During what time of day are you allowed to sell cookies
What is during daylight hours (and during GS cookie selling season).
A customer bought one box of cookies and gave you a $20 bill. How much change is owed to the customer?
What is $14
I must work with my parent or guardian to build, maintain and/or approve my Digital Cookie site. True or False.
What is True.
This cookie is vegan
What is the Thin Mint
Chewy cookies with caramel, coconut, and dark chocolate strips. Also the name of a country in the South Pacific Ocean.
What is Samoa
You must always have an adult with you when selling or delivering Girl Scout Cookies. True or False.
What is True.
Adults must accompany Girl Scout Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors when they’re taking orders, selling cookies, or delivering cookies. Also, adults must be present at all times during cookie booth sales.
If the troop earns $0.90 per cookie box sold, how much money will the troop earn if the troop sold a total of 1,000 cookie boxes.
What is $900
True or False: Your online store has both a cell phone app and website.
What is True. The Digital Cookie storefront has a website or mobile app for processing customer orders virtually or door-to-door.
A publicly held sale of cookies with your troop at a business/store
What is a cookie booth