Polar Express
What US State has the most snow days a year?
Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, and Blitzen. (Optional: and Rudolph)
People in which U.S. territory toss a bucket of water out of the window to drive away lingering evil spirits from the year?
Puerto Rico
What Ballet Premiered in 1892 and is now a Christmas Classic?
The Nutcracker
The one where Santa is a Viking
Violent Night
What day is the winter Solstice?
December 21st
In what year did NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) first track Santa on Christmas Eve?
In what year did the first Ball lowering Ceremony take place in time square?
What Country is Credited with the tradition of putting up the first Christmas Tree?
The Movie that proves that your disability is only accepted if it's useful to your boss.
Rudolph The Red Nose Raindeer
Aomori City, Japan
When did Santa get Married?
Late 1800's
How many pounds of confetti is dropped in Time Square each year?
3000 pounds
Jingle Bells
White Christmas
What Country has won the Most Winter Olympic Metals?
What soft drink company was the first to use Santa Claus in its advertizing?
White Rock Beverages
In what two years did the Times Square ball not drop?
1942 and 1943 because of World War II light restrictions
Candy Cane
A man's New Neighbor starts a war with him that will no doubt cost tens of thousands of dollars. All in the name of Christmas Spirit.
Deck The Halls
What Sticky Disaster occurred on Wednesday, January 15th, 1919 in Boston, Massachusetts. It claimed the lives of 21 people and injured 150?
What do Children leave out for Santa in Sweden?
How long is the average length of time that Americans keep their New Years Resolutions?
How much weight do studies show the average American gains over the holiday season?
1 Pound