99 sessions
What is the most number of coaching sessions completed by a single coachee with a SB coach? (AspireIQ coachee matched with Gia Storms from 2018-2023)
What are the number of 1:1 coach matches done in 2024 to date?
What are the number of mentoring customers that launched new programs with SB this year?
They are the "summer" to our "winter" on the Community Team.
Who is Sue Morris?
Group Coaching Community of Practice
What is name of the quarterly required CGO that group coaches must attend?
544 coachees
What is the number of coachees from Toast that we have served at SB over all time?
Eric Couillard
Who is the coach who has been matched with the most 1:1 engagements this year? (159!)
Zendesk's Coach Orientation & Quick Start Guide
What is the most viewed Zendesk article this year?
Connection. Celebration. Growth.
What are the 3 Community Pillars?
What are the number of coach guides we have?
Peter Henderson
Who is the coach assigned to the active coachee who has completed the most coaching sessions with their coach to date? (85 sessions with a Chime coachee!)
1,761 coachees
What is the number of group coachees who have launched this year?
What are the number of Zendesk articles we created or updated this year to support platform adoption?
What are how many shout outs that have been given through Assembly so far in 2024?
What is the percentage of CGOs that we received ICF accreditation for?
What is the NPS score for 1:1 SB coaches in 2024 (to date)?
What is the company that has completed the most coaching sessions with SB this year? (4,387!)
What are the number of new Expand admins that we added to the platform this year?
What are the average number of Slack messages sent each month on sbcoach?
Adapt & Rise
What eLearning tools were used to build our self-guided courses?
What is the number of Asana tasks that LTT completed in 2024?
Who is the customer company that has onboarded the most managers this year? (281!)
Text search
What is the top feature (based on number of clicks) used by platform admins?
What is the highest ever NPS score that coaches gave for working at SB this year?
Coaching Leaders Experiencing Suicidal Ideation
What is the most completed self-guided program in SBU?