who scared us on the first night
what is 5x5
it is 25
who is the main couple
Malakai and willow
what song did we perform
Last Christmas
who was walking all the way drinking the water
who was scared to go on the zipline
what is 20x20
who is the naughtiest in class
who dressed up as santa
coopy in the inflatable suit
who was the dirtiest
what was the first dinner meal of camp
spaghetti which was stale
simplify 6/12
what is Elvin's favourite song
Rock stepz
who was the boys in the front row for the dance
Jacko and Kaka
how good was Mrs browns aim good bad or terrible
terrible she only got the year one's
who nearly got stuck in the cave
it is 81
what is yahya favourite song
how many songs were performed at the concert
who duked the teachers the most
Coopy the poopy
who came first in the talent show
EMILY R by doing gymnastics
what was the funniest thing in math
when miss stevens searched up gyatt
who is the naughtiest in lote
Yahya he pulled the L on Mrs Somerville and called her racist
who showed up late after we preformed the song
Mustafa he was 10 mins late
how many people where wearing the rainbow wigs
6 mala coopy casey elvin orlando and mr dunn