Meeting Items
Parli Pro
Who's Job Is It?
Meeting Manners
All Mixed Up

This document details the order of the meeting.

The AGENDA is a document that allows the meeting to be on task. It includes roll call, pledges, committee reports, new and old business. 


This is used to ask the club for approval on an action.

A motion. Motions begin with the words "I move..."


This person can be of any age and is elected to their position.

Club Officer. Any club member* can be elected to an office. It is recommended that older youth lead an officer team but it not required.

*Cloverbuds are not able to be part of elections but can serve specialty roles, as long as they all get a chance.


Who should recognize the members before allowing them to speak?

President or Chair.  Members should stand or raise their hand and be given permission before introducing motions or discussion.


This first pledge after calling the meeting to order.

American Pledge. 4-H pledge is second.


This flag is placed on the President's left hand side during the meeting.

4-H flag. The American Flag should always be placed on the right.


This means to change all or part of a motion.

Amend. Motions can be amended by 10 removing language, 2) inserting new language, or 3) both.


Dedicated adults that donate time and energy to the county 4-H program.

Advisors. Clubs may have one or several advisors. Be sure to thank them for volunteering their time!


This place should present an inviting place for members to gather.

Meeting Space. This can be anywhere but should include: greeter at the door, refreshments and an area/plan for recreation.


This type of business is carried over from a previous meeting.

Old or unfinished business. New business are items that have not been brought to the group before.


These types of reports include the meeting minutes, financial report and health/safety reports.

Officer reports. These items should appear on the agenda and approved by the club during business.


This smaller group is used to conduct specialty business outside of regular meetings. 

Committees. Committees can be standing (long term) or ad hoc (short term). The purpose of committees is to increase efficiency of the group by breaking down large portions of work into smaller pieces. 


The officer is in charge of a financial report for each meeting. They also write checks, balance the club budget, and tracks expenses of the club.

Treasurer. Treasurers work closely with advisors to maintain the clubs funds.


Length of time to conduct club business.

45-60 minutes. 4-H meetings are designed to be educational and fun. Business should be conducted efficiently to give members time for refreshments, demonstrations, and recreation.


This object is used by the chair (president) to call to order or to punctuate a ruling.

Gavel. A small wooden hammer used during the business meeting.

A short speech or display of a project given by all club members.

Demonstration. As a project requirement, demonstrations are way for members to practice public speaking skills and prepare the member for project judging.


This motion closes a meeting.

Adjournment. Members must move and vote to close the meeting. This makes sure all agenda items are discussed and members are given a chance to bring items to the floor for discussion.


This officer is in charge of committee work, voting and elections and leading the meeting in the absence of the President.

Vice President. The VP must know the roles of all other officers and be willing to step in when needed. VP is also responsible for keeping committees on task.


These include: calming down, asking an advisor to step in, and talking through differences.

Conflict resolution or how to solve a problem. Club meetings are places to learn. Be courteous to all by discussing the issues, not the person.


Doing this to a motion lays the motion aside toe be discussed at a later date.

Table. Tabling a motion allows the groups to gather more information before making a decision. 


This is used to ensure fairness and democracy during a meeting, while keeping the meeting short and focused. 

Parliamentary Procedure. Based on Robert's Rules of Order, parliamentary procedure observes the rule of the majority while maintain the rights of the minority. 


The amount needed to pass a major decision of the club.

Two thirds. Major decisions include changing the club constitution or financial disbursement from the treasury. Other voting requires a simple majority.


This officer has good public speaking skills, is active in activities that better the mind and body, is mindful of nutrition and fitness, and advocates awareness on topics that are important to youth.

Health and Safety officers. This group should have a report prepared for each meeting on topics that are relevant to the club.

  • Be prepared. 
  • Be on time. 
  • Dress appropriately. 
  • Listen and be respectful to participants. 
  • Don't be rude.
  • Put your phone away.

Things you should model as an officer.


A member has the _____ when chosen to speak.

The floor. Having the floor means the member has the right to speak.
