Astronomy (noun)
What is the study of everything in the universe beyond Earth's atmosphere? (noun)
sun (noun)
What is the name of the large star that heats our planet?
What is the shaded area of the sun called during a eclipse?
degrees (noun)
What is a unit of measure for angles and arcs?
annular (adjective)
What is forming a ring?
eclipse (noun)
What is the total or partial hiding of a planet, star, or moon by another?
This word can also be a verb.
moon (noun)
What celestial body shines on Earth by reflecting light from the sun?
penumbra (noun)
What is the partial shadowing surrounding a perfect shadow (as in an eclipse)?
plane (noun)
What is a flat or level surface?
This word can also be a verb and a adjective.
solar (adjective)
What do we call heat and light generated from the sun?
orbit (noun)
What is the path of the moon circling the Earth called?
This word can also be a verb.
gradual (adjective)
What do we call an event that proceeds by steps or degrees?
Baily's Beads effect
What are the tiny beads of light effects during an eclipse?
Line of Nodes
What is the line of intersection between the orbit and ecliptic planes?
lunar (adjective)
What do we call the time related to moon's revolution.
sphere (noun)
What is the shape of the Earth?
new moon (noun)
What kind of moon appears shortly after sunset, and appears as thin curved outline of the moon.
Diamond Ring effect
What is the name of the effect of the sun's light bursting from the first place that becomes uncovered from the shadow during and eclipse.
apogee (noun)
What is the point farthest from the center of the Earth (or moon)?
nocturnal (adjective)
What do we call animal that are primarily active during the night?
phases (noun)
What is a repeating series of changes (stages)?
This word can also be a verb.
full moon (noun)
What is the moon called when its whole disk is lighted?
Path of Totality
What do we call the track of the moon's shadow across the Earth's surface?
ecliptic (noun)
What is the great circle of celestial sphere on which the sun appears to move among the stars?
Sun's Corona
What is the outermost part of a star (as the sun)?