When washing a body part that came in contact with a hazardous plant what temperature of water should be used?
Cold Water
Hot water will lead to an increase in reaction on the skin.
What is the definition of Unwanted Behaviour or Suspicious Individual in the Child Protection Protocol?
• A known or unknown individual making remarks, jokes or innuendos that demean, ridicule, intimidate, or offend a participant.
• A known or unknown individual that is being aggressive or physical towards a participant (fighting, threatening, verbally abusive).
• A person staggering about, appearing intoxicated, disoriented, or in need of medical attention.
Overtime hours begin after how many hours in a week?
Every hour after 44 is an overtime hour.
How many lakes are in South Frontenac?
What are 3 ways to prevent heat stress?
Wear lightweight clothing
Use sunscreen
Wear a hat
Try and drink at least one glass of water every ½ hour
If you are sweating a lot drink a non-caffeinated beverage with electrolyte replacement
Stay in the shade whenever possible (breaks)
It's okay to wear pyjamas and cut-off, torn or ripped clothing?
False, these items are prohibited in the dress code policy
Can staff members have visible piercings on body parts other than the head or face according to the dress code?
No, visible piercings on body parts other than the head or face are not allowed as per the dress code.
On a hot day where should you take your break?
In the shade or air conditioning if possible.
If a co-worker isn't feeling well due to heat - what should you do?
contact supervisor
move to a safe location in the shade or air conditioning
drink water
What do you do if you see a co-worker using their personal device to record, photograph, or capture images of minors on an unauthorized device?
You need to report it to the Site Coordinator or Camp Coordinator immediately.
Steps will be taken to protect the identity of the staff member who made the report.
According to the dress code, when are staff members allowed to remove their Staff shirts?
Staff members are allowed to remove their Staff shirts when they are in the water.
Drinking Energy Drinks is a good way to stay hydrated (True/False)
False, energy drinks contain caffeine that dehydrates you and can lead to heat stress
Name 3 of the 5 Hazardous plants.
Poison Ivy
Poison Sumac
Wild Parsnip
Giant Hogweed
Stinging Nettle
It’s important for employees to attend work and be punctual so the Township can provide the level and quality of service to its taxpayers/residents. However, if you are unwell, how do you report an absence?
HR-004 Absence Reporting
•Report to your Supervisor or Manager if you’re unable to come to work as soon as possible, unless there are extenuating circumstances
•The Employer may require medical documentation in order to support a health-related absence
Time Sheets are due on which day?
The last Friday of the pay period.
How many day camp beaches do we have in South Frontenac?
In regards to general safety rules, You are carrying some equipment and trip over an extension cord, you do not sustain any injuries. This is an example of a what? What should be your next step?
This is an example of a NEAR MISS as no injury occurred but there was potential for injury if it occurred under different circumstances. An incident should be filled out for all near misses.
What's the best PPE to protect against sun?
Of the 4 Elements on the Logo,
What do 3 of them represent?
1.Green Circular – Community
2.Orange Horizontal Lines – Rural Land & Soil
3.Blue Wavy Lines – Lakes & Waterways
4.Grey Diagonal Lines – Canadian Shield
How often should I check for Ticks?
At least once a day you should check your clothes and body for ticks.
Take a shower as soon as you can after being outdoors to wash off any ticks crawling on you.