How many hours of sleep should you get each day?
8-9 hours
What are the name of the seven continents of Earth?
Europe | Asia | Africa | North America | South America | Antarctica | Australia/Oceania
What are the name of the four seasons?
Winter | Spring | Summer | Fall/Autumn
What sparked the 1st World War?
The death of Arch Duke Franc Ferdinand
What is the meaning of each words in "PEMDAS"?
P - arenthesis
E - xponents
M - ultiplication
D - ivision
A - ddition
S - ubtraction
What is the most common example used when transition into a final sentence of a paragraph?
In conclusion
How many meal you should have per day?
Three meals
What are the name of the four main oceans of earth
Atlantic Ocean | Pacific Ocean | Arctic Ocean | Indian Ocean
How many days does Earth revolve around the Sun?
365 Days
German Empire | Austria-Hungary | Ottoman Empire
You use your $5 to pay for 6 Popsicle, how much does each Popsicles cost?
$1.20 per Popsicle
What should the 1st sentence of any paragraph be use for?
A hook and/or intoduction
How many bottle of water should you drink per day?
6-8 bottles a day
What is the mountain range located on Western United States of America?
The Rocky Mountain
What are the names of all eight planets of the solar system?
Mercury | Venus | Earth | Mars | Jupiter | Saturn | Uranus | Neptune
Who were the six countries that were part of the Entente?
France | Russia | Great Britain | Italy | Japan | United States
What is the answer:
4 x 3 x 0 x 2 x 1 x 5
How many sentences should there be in an paragraph?
What is the name of the time that uses the 24-hour clock?
Military Time
What is the name of the longest river in the United States?
Mississippi River
Who was the man that discover the idea of gravity?
Isaac Newton
Who was allied with Serbia?
Who was guaranteeing Belgium independence and neutrality?
Negative times a Negative equal and,
Negative times a Positive equal
Positive and Negative
How many paragraph should there be in an essay?
Five paragraphs
Double Daily
What day was Chinese New Year on during 2024?
February 10th, 2024
Double Daily
How many timezones does Russia has?
11 Timezone
Double Daily
How long does it take for sunlight to reach Earth? *The closest estimate is enough*
8 Minutes and 20 Seconds
What was the name of the plan that Germany used to quickly invade France through Belgium?
The Schlieffen Plan
What is the answer for "122"?
Daily Double
What is wrong with this sentence?
"Jeff ran a mile and drops his keys."
Jeff ran a mile and dropped his keys.
In Japanese, "Ichi", "Ni", "San" represent what three numbers?
1, 2, and 3
Louisiana purchase
What is the name of the human-made satellite that were launched into the unknown of space?
Voyager 1
What was the name of the Treaty that Germany signed at the end of the 1st World War?
The Treaty of Versailles
If I have 10 apples and i want to divide among 3 people, how many apples should each person get?
3 and 1/3 apple
What symbol do you use when you use sentences directly from a source?
How many main blood type are there for human blood?
4 Blood-Type
A, B, AB and O
What country originally owned New York City before England took over?
The Dutch or Netherlands
What is the name of the closest star system to Earth
Alpha Centauri
Double Daily
Who was the man that Germany sent to Russia to destabilize the Russian Empire?
Vladimir Lenin
Double Daily
What form of math is this?
2(2 x 4)
Distributive Property
What is the 1st step before writing an essay?