PRIZE: This FORMULA is known as: "High-Quality Liquid Assets (HQLA) / Total Net Cash Outflows."
Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR)
In the Spring, the Capital teams execute on the annual stress testing exam, CCAR, which STANDS FOR THIS.
Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review
Known under the acronym BSA, this 1970 LAW is still used as a core component of the US -money laundering framework, including the tracking of suspicious cash payments.
On a monthly basis, MAP produces this CORE PRODUCT which summarizes top supervisory watch items and news affecting the banking industry.
LISCC Dashboard (or LISCC and Select LFBO Dashboard)
Discontinued use in 2023, this PLATFORM was an internal event management tool used to populate DST supervisory plans, resources, and supervisory findings; which feeds into BOND, ExamSpace, and ROAM-T.
This REGULATION governs the enhanced Liquidity Risk Management Standards, which includes the liquidity buffer, limits, stress testing, and the contingency funding plan.
Reg YY
PRIZE: Credit risk teams monitor THIS ACCOUNTING STANDARD that was published by FASB in 2016, replacing the previous Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses.
CECL, or Current Expected Credit Losses
A relative newcomer to the supervisory framework, this TEAM is now the largest within Governance and Controls.
Cyber or Cybersecurity Team
Sometimes known by its abbreviation “SPOE” this is the preferred resolution strategy for all eight of the firms in the LISCC portfolio.
Single Point of Entry
PRIZE: Within HOW MANY days of receipt of a firm management response letter is a relevant DST member/EIC required to send an acknowledgement letter to the firm?
30 days
This FRB Liquidity Program pillar NUMBER covers Internal Risk Measurement/Internal Liquidity Stress tests.
Pillar 1
In March 2020, the FRB finalized a rule to implement what is known as this institution-specific capital add-on into capital requirements, including the GSIB surcharge.
SCB, or stressed capital buffer
Holding senior management accountable and supporting the independent control functions are two expectations placed by the Federal Reserve on this RESPONSIBLE PARTY of a supervised bank.
Board of Directors
PRIZE: This STATEMENT describes a development and/or risk that is new, changing, misunderstood or underappreciated and may impact certain aspects of a firm or risk area, and answers the "so what" or "why does it matter" of a meeting.
Key Takeaway
This Operations team is responsible for overseeing the production and review of (but not the drafting of) entry letters and supervisory letters issued in connection with all examinations of firms.
LOG, or Letter Oversight Group
PRIZE: Better known as 6G, this report is used to monitor the overall liquidity profile of institutions supervised by the Federal Reserve.
FR 2052A
PRIZE: These are the 3 TEAMS that make up the LISCC Capital Program's Trading Book Group (TBG).
PRIZE: FRB issued this SR LETTER, which supplements 2003 guidance for the Interagency Policy Statement on the Internal Audit Function and its Outsourcing.
SR 13-1
These are the two TEAMS that make up the LISCC MAP Program.
This exam TEMPLATE replaced the RVE Issue Review template in 2023.
EIC and Aggregate Conclusion Memo template
RLAP stands for THIS which measures the amount of liquidity that a firm needs to meet a severely stressed liquidity outflow across each of its material entities.
Resolution Liquidity Adequacy Positioning
This SR LETTER issued by the Federal Reserve is the Interagency Advisory on Interest Rate Risk (IRR), reminding institutions of supervisory expectations on sound practices for managing IRR.
SR 10-1 (Interagency Advisory on Interest Rate Risk)
PRIZE: The IT/Cyber team regularly conducts interagency reviews of some LISCC firms, which culminate in an URSIT, which STANDS FOR THIS.
Uniform Rating System for Information Technology
This Federal Reserve REGULATION approved the final rule implementing the resolution plan requirement of the Dodd-Frank Act.
Reg QQ
PRIZE: This GUIDANCE was updated in June and sets forth the criteria for evaluating the LISCC supervisory program governance, program management and execution.
AD 19-5, “Framework for Assessing Oversight of the Large Institution Supervision Coordinating Committee Supervisory Program.”