Motion and Gravitation
Electricity Generation
Light and Relativity
Experimental Design

The rule that connects the acceleration of a body of mass to the net force acting upon it.

What is Newton's second law?


A physical quantity for which every point in space and time is represented by a direction and number.

What is a vector field?



What is the lorentz factor?


The variable that someone intentionally adjusts to affect the outcome of an experiment.

What is the independent variable?


The most likely cause of Marie Curie's death.

What is radiation poisoning?


The speed of a 20kg object travelling at 5m/s once it has collided with and connected with a 10kg object.

What is 3.33m/s?


A 2 part ring that allows a loop of wire to continuously rotate in one direction in a DC motor.

What is a commutator?


When a single beam of light splits into two beams at 90 degrees, and for those beams to reach a detector at DIFFERENT times for a varying set of rotations of the table used for the experiment

What is the expected result of the michelson-morley experiment to prove aether exists?


What results in the lack of accuracy but not precision in an experiment.

What is the result of experimental error/messing up the experiment?


The name of the physicist whos name is used to represent the quantised unit of measurement for mass, length, temperature etc.

Who is Max Planck?


The point of a pendulums swing where it has the most kinetic energy.

What is the bottom of a pendulums swing?


The direction of the force on a current carrying wire if the current running through the wire is upwards and there is a magnetic field pointing to your left.

What is towards the individual?


The voltage difference required to stop electrons from moving between plates and creating a current in the photoelectric experiment.

What is the work function/stopping voltage?


The section of a scientific report documenting the location of information collected as evidence for the report prior to an investigation.

What is the references?


The name of the physicist who received a house with access to a lifetime supply of free beer after winning their nobel prize.

Who is Niels Bohr?


Where an object accelerates towards when in circular motion.

What is the centre of the circle?


The value of the magnetic flux when the area for a loop of wire is parallel to the direction of the magnetic field.

What is 0?


A modern piece of technology found in mobile devices that requires the consideration of relativistic principles to function.

What is the GPS?


The name of the process that takes place during the writeup of a scientific report in which the report is corrected for any inconsistencies, logical fallacies or linguistical mistakes prior to publication.

What is Peer Review?


The name of the physicist who quoted "God does not play dice."

Who is Albert Einstein?


The name of the force responsible for circular motion on a banked circular track?

What is the normal force?


The direction of the current in a loop of wire if a magnet approaches the loop (from the side with the magnet)?

What is anticlockwise?


The age differential between you and your apparent twin if you meet your twin after your twin was sent on a trip close to the speed of light.

What situation leads to your twin will be younger than you due to time dilation when they return?


For a result with the following values of length, (3.00m, 3.01m, 3.05m, 3.06m) this would be the best uncertainty value.

What is +- 0.03m?


The first name of the physicist who fell in love with a homing pigeon.

Who is Nikolas?
