Are woodchucks diurnal or nocturnal?
Which ambassador has been with us the longest?
Which animal did we admit the most of in 2024?
Rabbits 531
Do mourning doves migrate?
Yes some do!
They go south to Texas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, and Georgia. Some of the mourning doves that spend winter here in Wisconsin come down from Canada!
Which 3 staff members are from out of state?
Elisa, Cherish, Lisa
Answer yes or no to each of the following:
Can groundhogs dig? Run?
Swim? Climb trees?
Yes to all.
Which 2 cities did we admit the most patients from in 2024?
Oconomowoc (394)
Waukesha (394)
Typically, which 2 species of animals are in our care the longest as they recover from injuries?
Raptors and turtles
In our region of Wisconsin, the southeast region, who rehabilitates white tailed deer?
Nobody, due to extensive biosecurity protocols due to CWD and COVID. (Although technically someone could.)
We admitted 19 amphibians in 2024. Name the 3 kinds of amphibians that we cared for.
frogs, toads, salamanders
What are 3 other names for groundhog?
Complete the missing parts of our mission statement: (5 words)
To provide wildlife rehabilitation to Wisconsin Wildlife with the intent to ______ ______ to the native habitat, conduct ______ designed to further the positive impact of rehabilitation, and provide quality community _____ _____ and services.
release back
education programs
During which month in 2024 did we admit the most patients?
June (450)
Name 3 kinds of swans found in Wisconsin.
Trumpeter (native)
Tundra (uncommon)
Mute (non-native, invasive)
Which WINC staff members hold their Advanced Wisconsin Rehabilitation License?
Lisa & Elisa
Sara & Cherish
Who is WINC's groundhog specialist who also does a lot of groundhog home care for us?
Lisa Rowe
Plus or minus 10:
How many reptiles did we care for last year?
161 reptiles:
snakes, turtles, hatchlings (not eggs)
Plus or minus 5:
How many patients did we admit on our busiest day of the year, May 6, 2024?
What are 3 other names for cougar?
mountain lion
How many full time staff members work at WINC? Name them.
9: Kim, Lisa, Max,
Elisa, Cherish, Sara,
Katie, Steph, Kylie
Plus or minus 2:
How many groundhogs did we admit last year?
Based on weight, what were our smallest and largest patients in 2024?
Smallest: Kinglet
Largest: Pelican
Which 3 bird species did we admit the most of in 2024?
Sparrow (137)
Robin (95)
Mourning Dove (90)
Name the smallest and the largest raptors in Wisconsin.
Smallest: Saw Whet Owl
Largest: Bald Eagle
What are the baby names for:
Opossum Coyote
Crane Raccoon
joey pup/whelp
colt kit