What colour is the AHC Hoodies?
Navy Blue
What kind of bullying is tolerated at AHC Academy?
All types of bullying will result in consequences.
True or False.
Bringing Nutella to school is not allowed.
AHC Academy has a nut-free policy. No nuts of any kind are allowed on school grounds.
True or False.
Lining up quietly is a rule for the younger Grades.
Lining up quietly is a rule for all students in all grades.
Can boys wear a black thobe as part of the uniform?
No, boys may wear white thobes as part of the uniform.
How many Levels of Misbehaviours are listed under the Behaviour Policy?
There are 3 Levels of Misbehaviour listed in our handbooks.
Low, Moderate and Serious.
True or False?
Students are encouraged to come to school even if they are sick because attendance is very important at our school.
Students should remain at home if they are too sick to be in school and study.
Are students allowed to bring cell phones, tablets, and smartwatches to school?
No, AHC has a NO cell phone policy.
True or False.
Baseball Caps/Hats are allowed to be worn in classes.
Baseball caps/hats are allowed only when leaving the school premises (i.e field trips, walks, etc)
True or False.
Racist and body-shaming remarks will lead to expulsion from AHC Academy.
Depending on the severity and repetition of such comments, students may be expelled from the school.
If students have lice, they are supposed to stay at home for ____ days.
Students with lice must remain at home and receive treatment for at least a week.
If students do not have these few things, they will not be allowed to go out for recess in winter?
Appropriate clothing such as outdoor shoes, jackets, gloves etc.
What two colours of abayas are girls allowed to wear as the uniform?
Girls are only allowed to wear navy blue abayas.
Running in the halls falls under the ________ level
Low Level of Misbehaviour
True or False.
Teachers and staff are allowed to give students medication to ensure they are feeling better in school.
Teachers and Staff are not allowed to administer any medications to students unless authorized by the doctors.
What should students do if they are in the halls as the morning duas begin?
Students should stop and wait for the duas to finish.
What happens if a student reaches the 2nd violation of the Dress Code Policy?
2nd Violation: Parents will receive a phone call from the office administrator requesting the parent to bring the proper uniform to school for the student to put on.
Give 3 examples of Misbehaviour under the Moderate Level of Misbehaviour.
What should a student do if they are emotionally feeling unwell or down?
Speak to your friends, and your teachers or book an appointment with Sr Warda (our School Counsellor)
True or False.
Morning Duas begin at 8:45 AM
Morning Duas begin at 8:35 AM and students should be in class by 8:35 am.