Unless Mrs. Shelby tells you otherwise, where do we turn in our completed work? Be specific.
The pink turn in trays above the cubbies.
Are we allowed to touch or go behind Mrs. Shelby's desk? Are we allowed to touch Mrs. Shelby's personal things?
No and No.
What voice level should we be at in the bathroom?
Level 0!
When do you know it is time to line up?
When your row is called to line up.
In the morning after announcements what do we work on? Which days are for which subject?
iReady Reading-Tuesday and Thursday
Where exactly do we turn in our weekly homework? Be specific.
The red basket at the front of the room by the smart board.
What do we do if we see or hear something concerning?
How many people are allowed to go to the restroom at a time during class? (NOT WHILE CALLING ROWS)
Explain what to do when your row is called.
Push your chair in, grab your things, walk to the line and stand there silently.
Do we touch or take other peoples things?
No. If I find out you are taking something that is not yours I will be reporting it to the office and call home.
Missing work should be put where? Be specific?
In the pink basket on Mrs. Shelby's desk. :)
How do we respond when a teacher or adult asks us to do something?
Yes ma'am or yes sir, and then do what is being asked.
Name 2 things we are NOT allowed to do while in the bathroom or traveling to the bathroom.
answers vary
Name 2 things we are supposed to be doing while we are in line waiting to go somewhere.
Face forward and stand there silently.
What are we allowed to drink in class?
Plain water. Everything else is in our lockers for lunch.
Where can I find sharpened pencils or an eraser if I need one?
Blue shelf by the door.
Name 2 things that should not be coming out of your mouth when talking to anyone.
vulgar language or threats
If there is an emergency or during independent work time.
What voice level should we be in when we are in the hallway? That means at any point in the day, even BUS LOADING.
Voice Level 0.
Name 2 things that are not supposed to be at school and if they are brought must stay in your backpack in your locker at all times.
Where should my belongings go when I am not using them?
Mrs. Taylor's homeroom: In my desk.
Describe how you treat others. This means in our class, in other classes, at lunch, at recess, our teachers and staff, or even others outside of school.
Name 2 things you are supposed to be doing in the bathroom.
Use the restroom and wash your hands.
If we fail to stand in a straight line at a zero at any time during the day, what is the consequence?
Minutes taken off of our recess standing in a strait line outside.
What are 2 appropriate things to work on when you are finished with your work during the day.
Homework or missing work
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