Cant Be This (CBT)
Dont Bother That (DBT)
Up Up and Away!
Leaders find you!

This CBT technique helps individuals identify and change inaccurate or unhelpful thought patterns.

What is cognitive restructuring?


This DBT skill group focuses on improving relationships and maintaining self-respect during interactions.

What is interpersonal effectiveness?


This U.S. military branch, originally part of the Army, became an independent service in 1947.

What is the U.S. Air Force?


This famous psychologist is known as the "Father of Psychoanalysis" and had a famous couch for therapy sessions.

Who is Sigmund Freud?


This dictator ruled the Roman Empire and declared himself "dictator for life" before meeting his end on the Ides of March.

Who is Julius Caesar?


This skill involves learning to focus on the present moment without judgment, often through breathing exercises or body scans.

What is mindfulness?


This skill is part of distress tolerance and helps individuals distract themselves by engaging in activities, contributing, or using their senses.

What is the ACCEPTS skill?


This iconic Air Force stunt team, formed in 1953, performs daring aerobatic maneuvers at airshows.

What is the Thunderbirds?


In 1879, this German psychologist opened the first psychology lab, marking the beginning of modern psychology.

Who is Wilhelm Wundt?


This 20th-century dictator had a fondness for elaborate military uniforms, sunglasses, and was famously overthrown in 1986.

Who is Ferdinand Marcos?


This tool helps clients monitor/record their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors by writing them down.

What is a thought record?


This skill encourages individuals to practice observing, describing, and participating in the moment without judgment.

What is mindfulness?


During World War II, this group of African-American pilots became the first to serve in the U.S. military as aviators.

Who are the Tuskegee Airmen?


This famous experiment by Ivan Pavlov involved dogs and the sound of a bell to study this type of learning.

What is classical conditioning?


This dictator had an obsession with building statues of himself, including a giant golden one that rotated to face the sun.

Who is Saparmurat Niyazov (Turkmenbashi of Turkmenistan)?


This skill is used to gradually expose individuals to feared situations, helping them reduce anxiety over time.

What is exposure therapy?


This emotional regulation skill involves identifying and changing harmful emotional patterns by engaging in actions opposite to the emotion's urge.

What is opposite action?


This Air Force plane, introduced in 1966, is nicknamed the “Blackbird” and known for its incredible speed and stealth capabilities.

What is the SR-71 Blackbird?


In the 1960s, Stanley Milgram conducted a shocking experiment to study this aspect of human behavior.

What is obedience to authority?


This dictator of North Korea is known for his eccentric policies, including banning blue jeans and having a meticulously styled haircut.

Who is Kim Jong-il?


This method encourages clients to replace unhelpful self-statements with encouraging and compassionate alternatives.

What is positive self-talk?


This acronym stands for a set of self-care skills used to improve physical and emotional well-being, addressing vulnerabilities to emotional dysregulation.

What is PLEASE?


The Air Force Academy, established in 1954, is located in this U.S. state known for its mountains.

What is Colorado?


This early psychologist is known for creating the first intelligence test, which evolved into the IQ tests we know today.

Who is Alfred Binet?


This Ugandan dictator was nicknamed the "Butcher of Uganda" and claimed he was the last King of Scotland.

Who is Idi Amin?


This CBT technique teaches individuals how to relax their body systematically, reducing physical symptoms of stress and anxiety.

What is progressive muscle relaxation (PMR)?


This distress tolerance skill involves imagining yourself in a safe, peaceful place to soothe emotions during crisis moments.

What is guided imagery?


In 1942, this famous actor and Air Force officer became one of the first Hollywood stars to serve as a pilot in World War II.

Who is Jimmy Stewart?


This psychologist, known for his hierarchy of needs, placed "self-actualization" at the top of his pyramid.

Who is Abraham Maslow?


This dictator loved writing books, including a bizarre autobiography reportedly written in one night.

Who is Saddam Hussein?
