This is the official motto of the Relief Society.
What is, "Charity Never Faileth".
The number of quilts completed by the Humanitarian Center in 2024.
What is 102.
In the bible dictionary, this is described as the "highest, noblest, strongest kind of love."
This temple was being built when the Relief Society was first organized.
What is the Nauvoo temple?
Something you have learned from a Relief Society Sister
March 17, 1842
What is the date the Relief Society was officially organized?
The number of "backpack" club kits donated by the Richfield East Stake on the 9/11 Day of Service.
Counseling with Relief Society leaders in a ministering interview takes places this often.
What is quarterly?
The first General Relief Society President.
Who is Emma Smith?
Gold and Blue
What are the official colors of the Relief Society?
The number of Relief Society Sisters in the Richfield Utah East Stake.
What is 1,175.
What kind of words/actions would make you feel ministered to?
How can you discover what words/actions would make you feel ministered to?
In Mosiah 18:9 Alma taught we should, "bear one another's ________________, to mourn with those that mourn, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort".
What is "burdens".
How can you help bear the burdens of the Sisters in your Ward? How can you allow other Sisters to help bear your burdens?
The two official "symbols" of the Relief Society.
What are WHEAT and the SEGO LILY.
The number of quilts completed by the Humanitarian Center in 2024.
What is 102.
How does ministering bring everyone closer to Christ?
In the 2nd Relief Society meeting ever held, she said, "We must cherish each other, watch over one another, comfort one another, and gain instruction that we may all sit down in heaven together".
Who is Lucy Mack Smith.
The number of people that indexed names in our Stake in 2024.
575 members of our Stake submitted a family name to the temple as of November 1, 2024.
What is 18?